Chokeberry juice

Useful and medicinal properties of chokeberry ashberry have been known for a very long time. This berry contains many vitamins and trace elements. Rowberry juice can be drunk as a vitamin remedy and treat various diseases with it. Let's find out with you how to make juice from berries of chokeberry for winter.

Recipe for juice from chokeberry



So, for the preparation of the juice from the aronia, the berries are separated from the twigs, sorted, washed and thrown into a colander. Then we shift the mountain ash into a saucepan and knead it carefully with a pestle. After that, put the berries in a tissue bag and squeeze out all the juice. Squeeze poured boiled water, leave for an hour, then squeezed again and mixed with the previously obtained juice. This procedure is repeated several times, then we filter the juice, pour into clean bottles, without adding a little to the top. If desired, put a little sugar and tightly cork the bottles with stuck plugs.

Then we tie with twine and put the juice in a saucepan, on the bottom of which there is a wooden support. Pour the water, just below the height of the bottle, heat it to a boil and sterilize it for 10 minutes. After sterilization of the bottle, the juice from the black chokeberry is closed tightly with stoppers, tied with twine. When the bottles are completely cooled, fill the plugs with paraffin or resin.

Chokeberry juice



Chokeberry ridges are released from twigs, sorted out carefully, removing debris and leaves. Berries several times thoroughly washed under running water, let the water drain and shift the mountain ash into a clean three-liter jar prepared in advance. Berries a little tamped, add citric acid and pour all the steep boiling water to the very top of the berries.

We tie the neck of the jar with gauze and leave the jar for three days at room temperature. After the time has passed, we put the berries in a colander, so that all the juice that has formed is stacked with them. Then we pour it into an enamel saucepan, put it on a plate, bring it to a boil, add sugar and boil the juice on low heat until the sugar crystals completely dissolve. Then we pour hot juice into small jars, cover with sterile lids and put it in a sterilization dish. Sterilize for 15 - 25 minutes, depending on the volume of dishes. After that, the jars are immediately clogged, turned upside down and left to cool. We store a drink from aronia tree in a dark and cold place, and from the remaining berries you can make another juice, repeating the entire procedure again.

Wine from Aronia Aronia Juice



So, first of the fruits of the chokeberry we make the mash and leave it for fermentation in any glassware. Then the mass squeeze, and the resulting juice is filtered and drained into a bottle. Put the squeezes into a pan with water, then squeeze and mix again with the juice of the first pressing. Pour half a serving of sugar into the juice and leave for 3 days. After that add the remaining sugar and fill the bottle with water. Stir everything and close the bottle with a cotton stopper. Put the wine in a warm place for 10-20 days. Then merge it from the precipitate and measure the right amount. Pour sugar from the calculation, for 1 liter of juice - 150 g of sugar and mix. We leave the finished wine for about another month and then serve it.

Interested in the recipes for making other juices, then we advise making apple juice - quickly, wholesome and tasty.