Wine from raisins at home - recipe

Excellent wine is obtained not only from fresh grapes. How to make wine from raisins, learn from this article.

Wine from raisins at home - recipe



I raiseed my stuff. Now we make syrup: combine sugar and water and mix until it dissolves completely. Now we put the raisins in a 5-liter jar, pour in syrup and leave for infusion for 2 weeks. In this case, the contents of the jar should be shaken every day. At the end of this period, when the raisins, as it should, swell, we pour the liquid into another container, and the raisins that remain are mashed. In the received weight again we pour a liquid. If you need to pour in more water so that the pot is full. We leave the fermentation drink for 1 month. After the wine has fermented, we pour the liquid on the bottles, and we eject the cake. We give the wine to brew for another 2-3 months, and then proceed to the tasting.

Wine from raisins - recipe


For starter:

For wine:


We pass a glass of raisins through a meat grinder, add sugar, water and mix well. The resulting mixture is placed in a half-liter jar and left for a few days in the warmth. When the mass will ferment, proceed directly to the preparation of wine. As for leaven, raisins are crushed. The resulting mass together with sugar and water is placed in a large bottle. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Then we pour in the leaven. Now we close the bottle neck with a medical glove. On one of the fingers, we make a puncture with a needle. A few days later the wine will ferment and the glove will puff. Fermentation will last about a month. And when the glove falls off, carefully distribute the wine on the containers, trying not to affect the sediment. Directly in bottles, wine should be infused for another 2-3 months.

Homemade wine from raisins



Raisins are well mine, dried, and then pour into a jar, pour 1/3 sugar and pour in water. Stir well until the sugar dissolves. After that we cover the container with gauze and put it in heat for 3 days. In the saucepan, boil the water, pour in the carcade and let it brew until it cools down. The resulting infusion pour into fermented raisins, pour the remaining sugar, pour in water and mix. Cover the jar with a lid and put it in a dark place. Wine will wander for 2 months, and after that, gently with the help of a tube pour into another jar so that the sediment remains untouched. Then the wine needs to be clarified. To do this, it is filtered every 10 days and poured into a clean container. After 3 transfusions, the wine will become clear and without sediment. We pour it into bottles and send it for storage in the cold.