How to open wine without a corkscrew?

This, probably, happened with everyone - they wanted to please themselves with a glass of wine, they bought a bottle of wine, but they did not think how to open it, in the sense that they did not get a corkscrew. And now what to do, how to open wine without a spin? It turns out that this task is not so complicated, and there is more than one recommendation, how it is possible to easily open wine without a spin.

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew?

  1. If the hands grow from the right place, and at home there is a screw, a screwdriver and pliers, then the bottle can be opened with their help. First screw the screw into the cork, and then pull the pliers for the screw. A little effort and the bottle is open.
  2. You can replace the corkscrew with a penknife. It must be pushed deeper into the cork, and then, having folded the knife at a right angle, pull the cork out of the bottle.
  3. But how to open a wine without a corkscrew, if neither a knife nor tools are at home? You can try pushing the cork inside. But it does not always work out right away, so first you need to pat your palm on the bottom of the bottle or twist the bottle around its axis (three times clockwise, three against), or turn the bottle down with a neck, count to 10 and return the bottle to its original position. After one carrying out one of the proposed actions, the plug can be easily pushed with your finger inside the bottle.
  4. You can still try to push the cork from the bottle outside. For this pat on the bottom of the palm is not enough, you need something more substantial. For example, a plastic bottle filled with water or a thick book. The middle of a full plastic bottle is knocking on the bottom of a bottle of wine until the cork "crawls out" halfway, then it can be taken out by hand. Or tap the root of a thick book volume on the bottom of a bottle of wine, too, until the stopper can be easily removed with your hands. And you can put a bottle in the heel of shoes with a low heel and knock the shoe against the wall, until the cork comes out of the neck so that it can be easily pulled out by hand.
  5. There are, however, rarely, very "stubborn" traffic jams that do not want to leave their place of rage under any pretext. Then there is only one way - to crush the corks with a knife and gradually push it inside. Wine, of course, with crumbs will, but its taste will not lose. In the end, the drink and drain can be from the remnants of the cork.

How much can an open wine be stored?

Opening the wine, it is not always possible to finish it. In this case, the question arises: how much can an open wine be stored, how and where to do it? At once it is necessary to remember, that long to keep the open wine it will not turn out - at contact with air it will by all means become oxidized. And you can not prevent this process, it can only be slightly slowed down. The rate of oxidation depends on many factors. And on the amount of air trapped in the bottle, and the amount of sugar in the wine, and the temperature at which the wine is stored. The warmer in the room and the less wine left in the bottle, the quicker the drink turns into vinegar. Usually, a couple of hours after the opening, the wine will be able to notice the changed taste and aroma, and after a couple of days it will be impossible to drink such wine. Therefore, the first thing to do is to reduce the number of air in a bottle, pouring wine into smaller dishes. Next, the bottle should be tightly clogged. If the wine is white, then it should be placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator and stored there no longer than 1-2 days. Red wine will last the same period of time at room temperature - it does not need a cold. But if you have not finished the wine from the category of strong, for example, port, sherry, then they can be stored for up to 2-3 weeks.

In general, the French say that if you opened a bottle of wine, you did not finish it, then you should not open the bottle. So we listen to these connoisseurs of wine, and we try to count our strengths in advance, so as not to spoil the wine, keeping it in the uncorked bottle.