Alimony for 3 children

In the event of a divorce between the parents, on a judicial or voluntary basis, a decision is made to pay alimony for the maintenance of children. But, despite the fact that the money goes to ensure a decent standard of living for the native generation, misunderstandings appear.

Most often, problems in paying and determining the amount of alimony arise when they need to be paid for three children. The Family Code establishes that for such a number of children (3 or more) alimony is 50% of the total income of the parent who left the family. You can also set a fixed amount of alimony for the maintenance of three children, but it will not be possible to change if the income of the second parent increases. This option for calculating alimony is used if the payer has an irregular income or does not have a permanent place of work.

The amount of alimony for three children depends on the following factors:

  1. The total amount of all income.
  2. The total number of children who are on the content of this parent. All children are considered to be: in the past, and in the present marriage.
  3. The age of children (since alimony is usually paid up to 18 years).
  4. The health of the parent paying alimony and his children.

Therefore, the maximum alimony for three children can be obtained from a healthy parent for those who need constant treatment (with the availability of appropriate medical documents) and who have not reached adulthood (ie 18 years old) children.

The innovation of 2013 was the adoption of the following amendments to the Family Code:

  1. Establish a minimum amount of child support for each child. According to the law, minimum alimony must not be less than 30% of the subsistence minimum for a child of this age. If the estimated amount is less, then the state pays the required minimum.
  2. Change in the age limit of payment of alimony for active children. In the case of admission to higher education for full-time education, alimony payments continue until the end of studies or until the age of 23 years.

These changes only strengthened the guarantees of the fulfillment of the rights of children and guardian parents.

In order to correctly calculate how much everything is allotted to alimony for three children, it is better to contact a competent lawyer or social services who will conduct calculations for a specific family, based on all legislative documents.