Method "Cubes of Coax"

The Cohos method was developed for use in psychodiagnostic purposes, to identify mental abilities and personality traits. Use this test can be both with children older than 5 years, and with adults.

The application of the technique "Cubes of Coax"

For diagnostic purposes, tasks are successfully used when working with the following categories of subjects:

Also, the method can be used in testing for proficiency and the study of intellectual capabilities.

In addition, the technique has proven itself for the development of spatial thinking in children, the formation of their steady attention, perseverance.

Description of the technique "Cubes of Coax"

This test can have both a child and an adult form, but the essence of its conduct is one. Assignments assume that the subject, by manipulating the cubes, will solve the proposed tasks. Stimulating material of the technique "Cubes of Coax" includes cards with tasks and cubes, in which the faces are painted in certain colors. The number can be different. In the original version of the test, their number was 16. Many manufacturers offer sets of 9 elements. There is enough such quantity for work with children.

The essence of the tasks is to have the child put a pattern out of the cubes. Do it in such a way that it completely repeats the picture on the card. Exercises differ in degree of complexity and should be issued in a certain sequence. Also, when performing the test, an important indicator is the time that was spent to successfully solve the task.

In order for the work to be successful in its development, one should adhere to certain tips:

An excellent result can be considered if the child before deciding to fold the picture, unerringly identify what elements are necessary for him to build a pattern.