Cognitive development of preschoolers

Cognitive development of preschool children is one of the most necessary and important stages in the lessons with children.

Fundamentals of development of children of preschool age

Any healthy baby is born with the desire to explore the world. In the future, this desire grows into an active phase. The development of the cognitive activity of preschool children is manifested in the search activity, which helps to receive new information and impressions about the world around him. To do this, it is necessary to introduce the child to the living and non-living nature in several stages, since it is better to develop the curiosity of the cognitive activity of preschool children in real experiments. For example: to work with clay or sand , play games "Guess the taste", "Close bottle" (with the help of any bottle, we teach you to pick up items that go into its narrow neck and which ones do not), then introduce the plants, transplant them, with the help of drawings, study the parts of the animal's body, etc. So this phase imperceptibly passes into the research phase.

In order to engage in the development of cognitive and research activities of preschoolers, it is necessary to use instrumental skills that can be broken down into several stages. At the first stage, it is necessary to teach the child to identify the causes, then build hypotheses and develop the ability to ask questions. With the help of games "Finish the phrase", as well as inventing different situations in which you need to formulate the causes and consequences. The next step is to try to teach the child to define to establish a connection between animate and inanimate nature, to classify actions. In this case, you can play the game "Guessing", "Who's gone", "What did not happen", etc.

At the final, third stage, children learn to make their own conclusions, judgments, develop the logic of thinking with the help of games "What does it look like", "What is depicted", etc.

The development of the cognitive interests of the preschool child is associated with the process of perception of the surrounding world and the growth of the child's mental abilities.