How to remove stretch marks on the chest?

Every second woman knows the problem of stretch marks. The striae formed as a result of microradiation of the vessels are capable of mutilating the most beautiful bust. Today we learn whether it is possible to remove stretch marks and what means to use it better.

Rules of treatment of stretch marks

Wishing to get rid of stretch marks is important to remember the following.

Salon procedures

There are many effective salon ways to remove stretch marks.

Curing fresh striae helps wrap with various healing medications. During the procedure, the problem areas are covered with a thermo blanket. The treatment consists of 6-12 wraps.

Another method of removing stretch marks that appeared recently is ultrasound therapy, during which a massage of the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the breast occurs.

Many people are wondering whether it is possible to remove old stretches. In this case, mesotherapy is effective, involving the introduction of substances that accelerate the regeneration of tissues and enhance the production of collagen. Another way to remove or make almost unnoticeable old stria - chemical peeling. The procedure is painful and requires several weeks of rehabilitation.

Also remove stretch marks on the breast after childbirth can be laser - the procedure of grinding again provides a period of preparation and rehabilitation.

How to remove stretch marks at home?

Salon procedures are expensive, but you can remove old bleached striae only with their help. But fresh, still reddened stretch marks are effectively treated with home remedies.

  1. Combine a glass of salt and sugar, half a glass of oil (preferably palm or olive). The mass is beaten and applied to problem areas during the showering by massaging movements for 5-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, apply to stretch any cream. If you use this scrub systematically, the result is noticeable in a month.
  2. Fresh carrots (1 piece) grind on a fine grater and pour water so that it covers the mass. After 20 minutes, carrot pulp should be squeezed through gauze and add almond oil to form a gruel. The remedy is kept on problem sites all night.

Mummy cream

To remove stretch marks helps such a tool as a mummy. It is sold in capsules (preferably) or in tablets (in this case they will have to be crushed).

In non-metallic dishes, pour 2-3 g of mummies, add a spoonful of warm boiled water, wait for dissolution. After 10 - 15 minutes the product is stirred again and added to it any body cream and essential oils (if desired).

The cream can be stored in a glass container in the cold. Its useful life is several weeks.

Apply the remedy to the steamed chest in a circular motion until completely absorbed.

Especially effective are such procedures as prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy.

Body wraps with algae

Another effective way to remove stretch marks is the use of algae (in powder). Raw material (1 glass) is poured with a small amount of water and left to swell for 20 minutes. Then the composition is applied to the chest and wrapped in a food film. After an hour, the product is rinsed off with warm water. The procedure is repeated every two days.