Hop Hops for Breasts

A woman, completely satisfied with her own figure, is extremely difficult to find. Therefore, beautiful ladies constantly try various questionable techniques, supposedly allowing for 2 weeks, or less, to achieve the desired shapes and sizes, for example, use cones of hops for the chest, more precisely, increase it . It is interesting that there are many reviews about this method of correcting the figure, both negative and positive.

Is it true that the cones of hops increase the chest?

Neither the broth, nor the infusion, nor the essential oil of cones of hops provide growth of mammary glands.

Indeed, the product in question contains phytoestrogens, which constantly pay attention to the sellers of "miraculous" drugs. But these analogues of female sex hormones do not contribute to an increase in the bust. They provoke shifts in the water and fat balance toward accumulation. As a result, the breast can visually become larger, but not due to the growth of the glandular tissue, but due to swelling and weight gain, the appearance of fat deposits.

Moreover, the reception of such additives to the diet is dangerous for the female reproductive and hormonal system.

Consequences of using hop cones for breast augmentation

The application of the described product for more than 14 days is fraught with the following problems:

It is important for every woman to remember that the longer the course of taking hop cones, the higher the risk of developing these pathologies, as well as their irreversibility or transition to a chronic form.