Endometriosis - symptoms

Endometriosis is a widespread and dangerous gynecological disease. It is characterized by the fact that the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) with the current of menstrual blood gets from the uterus to neighboring internal organs and settles on them.

This can lead to damage to the tissues of the cervix, ovaries and other organs. The formed nodule grows into the tissue and provokes the appearance of adhesions and cysts.

Endometriosis - causes and symptoms of the disease

To date, scientists can not give an unambiguous answer to the question of the causes of the development of the disease. Among the factors provoking the disease, called: chronic inflammatory processes of the genital area, hormonal failures, abortions, bad habits and systematic stress.

What are the symptoms of endometriosis? The progression of the disease in each woman has its own specifics and depends on the stage of the disease. Consider the most common signs and symptoms of endometriosis:

As a rule, at an early stage the disease does not make itself felt. Acute pains begin to appear already in the late stages of the course of the disease.

When endometriosis affects the cervix, the disease has such specific symptoms as acute pain in the lower abdomen and dark spotting between menstruation. Also, menstruation can be accompanied by increased soreness.

Identify endometriosis of the ovaries will help symptoms such as moderate or severe pain in the groin for 1 to 5 days before and during menstruation. In some cases, bloating occurs.

Endometriosis and menopause

Very often endometriosis disappears when menopause occurs. The reason is that with the onset of menopause, the amount of estrogen produced decreases in the woman's body. This leads to a gradual extinction of the disease.

But at the same time, there are cases when climacteric symptoms of endometriosis do not disappear. And more often the insidious disease affects women with excess weight or diabetes. And to this day, the mechanism of the development of the disease to the end is not clear and there are more questions than answers.

Consequences of endometriosis

Endometriosis is a very dangerous disease that can have serious consequences. Ignoring the severe symptoms of endometriosis and the lack of timely treatment can lead to a chronic form of the disease. In turn, as mentioned above, in addition to chronic pain, it is fraught with the formation of cysts and adhesions on the affected tissues. In the late stages of the disease it is already difficult to save the affected tissue, which can lead to surgical intervention and infertility.

How to cure the disease?

Timely detection of endometriosis will prevent further development of the disease. Depending on the stage of the disease, different approaches are used.

At early stages - conservative (medicamentous) methods of treatment on the basis of hormonal therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs. Surgical surgical intervention is relevant in cases when conservative treatment did not give the expected result.

It should be carefully treated with your body and at the first symptoms of endometriosis will go to a consultation with a specialist. Also, do not forget about annual preventive examinations. Successful and timely treatment helps to restore the reproductive function of the body and the opportunity to feel the happiness of motherhood.