Ideal weight for a girl

The weight problem bothers all girls. So the young man's thinking is arranged, that she can never be satisfied with her weight. It always seems that the weight or excess, or insufficient, and find such a unique girl who would consider her height and weight ideal - almost impossible. And if the weight can still be affected, then growth - alas, no. And in this case only shoes with high heels will help. Therefore, today we will focus on the existing methods, how to calculate the ideal weight for a girl.

What is the ideal weight for a girl?

If you forget for a while what we are told from the TV screens and pages of glossy magazines, about someone taken by "beauty standards", about the opinions of plastic surgeons and other interested persons, we can say that the ideal weight for a girl is her natural weight. Let us explain this in the following way: nature, assigning a person with these or other physical data, is guided by its rules and standards. For some reason, it creates people with different proportions of growth and body weight. If existing "ideal" norms were suitable for all people, then everyone would be born with the same height and weight, and would grow according to the tablets printed in textbooks on pediatrics. But when a child grows up, it never occurs to anyone that it should be restricted in food so that it fits into the tabular data. So why then do young girls not admit that a certain body weight is given to them for some reason, not just so? At least, they should think about this.

And if you belong to the category of people who think that the ideal female weight is not a natural weight, but an established norm, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with different formulas that help calculate the ideal weight for a girl and a woman.

Method one

Everyone knows the following formula, ideal weight = height minus 110. But in this formula, no value is attached to such a parameter as the age of a person. And in the above form, the formula is suitable for women aged 40 to 50 years. If we talk about girls, that is, if the woman's age is from 20 to 30 years, then the formula takes on the following form, ideal weight = height minus 110 and minus 10%. And for women over 50, the formula looks like this, ideal weight = height minus 110 and minus 7%. Example: the height of the girl is 165 cm. Then its ideal weight is (165 - 110) × 0.9 = 49.5 kg.

Method of the second

If you believe American scientists, the ideal weight for a girl can be calculated as follows: (increase minus 150) multiply by 0.75 and add 50.

Example: the height of the girl is 165 cm. The ideal weight is (165 - 150) × 0.75 + 50 = 61.25 kg.

Method Three

This formula for calculating the ideal weight is called the Lorentz formula. Ideal weight = (height - 100) - 0,25 * (growth - 150). Example: the height of the girl is 165 cm. Ideal weight = (165 - 100) - 0.25 * (165 - 150) = 61.25 kg.

Method Four

This method of determining the ideal weight is called the Katle index. The index is equal to the weight of a person (in kilograms) divided by the square of growth (in meters). If the calculated index is lower than 18, this indicates a low body weight. If in the range of 18 to 25, then the weight is considered normal, and if over 25, the weight is excessive, the probability of obesity is high.

Example: the height of the girl is 165 cm, weight 65 kg. Body mass index = 65 / (1.65 × 1.65) = 23.87. Means, the weight is in norm.

Also, using this method, you can determine the limits of the norm of weight for a girl. To determine the lower limit, you need to multiply 18 by the square of the height in meters, and for the upper boundary of 25, multiply by the square of the height in meters.

Example: the height of the girl is 165 cm. The lower limit of the body weight is 18 × 1.65 × 1.65 = 49 kg. The upper limit of body weight = 25 × 1.65 × 1.65 = 68 kg.

Way Five

To calculate the ideal weight for girls, you need to use the following formula: increase the height by the volume of the breast and divide by 240. Example: the height of the girl is 165 cm, the breast volume is 90 cm. Ideal weight = 165 × 90/240 = 61.9 kg.