Which herbs for weight loss are the most effective?

Perhaps, every girl is sometimes visited by thoughts how to get rid of excess weight , while not causing harm to health. Today, there is one such method - the most effective herbs for weight loss, what they are.

Speaking in general, such a comprehensive approach to the loss of extra pounds includes the overall improvement of the body, and also directly affects metabolism and gastrointestinal tract.

Classification and features of herbs that help lose weight

Such herbs can be divided into two categories:

  1. Herbs that reduce appetite and suppress the feeling of hunger. Upon ingestion, mucus is enveloped, due to which the saturation effect occurs. Also, the grass is capable of swelling inside, which again is a false signal of satiety. Such an effect can have flax seeds or algae "spirulina".
  2. Herbs that relieve the body of excess fluid. As a rule, excess fluid has the property of accumulating directly in fatty tissues. To bring it out will help such herbs as field horsetail or cowberry. Very good effect for removing fluid from the body and losing weight have: anise, caraway seeds and dill.

Herbs to reduce appetite and weight loss

Nature itself has given a person priceless gifts, which need to find only the correct application.

In the struggle to reduce the weight of grass for rapid weight loss are much more effective and safer than many modern medicines. Each herb performs its own action, so you need to learn the action of each.

  1. The frostbite . Helps cope with a variety of diseases. This herb causes a laxative effect, which allows you to cleanse the intestines, remove slag, salt. Promotes rejuvenation of the body, and also a beneficial effect on the skin condition.
  2. The root of the althaea is a medicinal plant. Tincture from the root helps to reduce appetite, thereby having a positive effect on the entire body. The effect of tincture from the root is that it causes a sense of saturation, and its mucous substances interfere with the secretion of gastric juice. Pectin, contained in the root of the althea, improves the work of the digestive tract.
  3. Senna . Senna is a laxative herb that has an antiseptic effect. With its help you can avoid the absorption of water and electrolytes from the walls of the large intestine. Infusion of Senna allows you to remove excess fats, food and water from the body. Senna is considered one of the most effective herbs for weight loss.