Berry Sorbet

Sorbet is a fruit ice cream, which does not contain usually dairy products or eggs. Such an original delicacy is made on the basis of fruits with the addition of sugar syrup.

The recipe for berry sorbet



Now tell you how to prepare a berry sorbet. Frozen berries: cherries, currants and strawberries carefully sorted and washed. Then dry it, remove carefully the bones and grind it with a blender until smooth mashed. After that, pour sugar to taste, put cinnamon and dilute with milk.

Again, whisk all the blender, put it in a flat container and cover it with a lid. We remove the delicacy for several hours in the freezer, and when the sorbet completely freezes, we spread it on the kremanki and decorate it with several berries and whipped cream at will.

Fruit sorbet «Berry cocktail»



Defrosted berries are placed in a bowl of blender, add apple juice, a little crushed ice and whisk all the ingredients to a homogeneous, thick consistency. Then pour the resulting mixture into a beautiful glass and remove it for several hours in the freezer to freeze.

Berry sorbet with fruit



Oranges are cleaned, divided into slices, mixed with cherries and crushed to a homogeneous mass. We add the sweetener to taste, mix it, shift it into disposable cups and send it for about 4 hours to the freezer.

Berry sorbet with plum



So, first cook the sugar syrup: pour out the sugar into the water, boil for 3 minutes until lightly thickened and leave to cool. This time, we cut the berries in a combine, wipe the mass through a sieve and combine it with syrup. Pour the mixture into the mold and adjust it for a couple of hours into the freezer. After solidification, we take out the sorbet and carefully mix the fruit mass with a fork, breaking the frozen water and saturating the dessert with oxygen. After all the manipulations, we get a delightfully delicious treat.