Malysheva - a day of ration on rice

Sometimes you need to get yourself straightened out. This is especially true after the holidays, when, giving ourselves a slack, we gain excess weight. Or before an important event, a few days before which there is an unpleasant surprise: the favorite dress did not meet at the waist.

The variant with a diet in this case disappears, because the result is urgently needed. Unloading days come to the rescue. One of the most effective options for this situation is the rice unloading day from Elena Malysheva.

Rice Days

The essence of such a fasting day is as follows. Boil a glass of rice without salt and spices until almost ready. Rice must be slightly hard - coarser food better cures cleansing of the intestines. Best for these purposes is a long grain rough rice, because the starch content in it is much lower than in the round grain.

Boil the rice into 5-7 portions and take at regular intervals. And between meals for the day you need to drink at least two liters of clean water.

Such a rice unloading day from Malysheva is very useful. First, the body receives a large number of useful substances necessary for it. Especially a lot in potassium rice in easily digestible form. This trace element is necessary for our heart. In addition, potassium excretes salt from the body, and therefore excess fluid. As a result, the puffiness decreases, the extra pounds go away.

Diets and unloading days from Malysheva

The doctor of medical sciences Elena Malysheva successfully developed not only the diet of the above-mentioned unloading day. On her account, effective recipes for diets and fasting days.

Their main difference is absolute safety for health. To achieve this helps a balanced diet and an individual approach. When compiling the menu, existing diseases and contraindications are taken into account.

The most popular rations from Malysheva

The most popular and simple options in Malysheva's arsenal are three days off: protein, vegetable, grapefruit.

And yet, do not forget that you can use unloading days not more than twice a week. And it is not advisable that such days go one after another. For best results, it's best to make a gap between them and alternate the menu of the day of discharge. For example, on Tuesday you have a rice day, and on Saturday - grapefruit.