Can you herring with breastfeeding?

After the birth of the baby, much changes in the life of the family. Parents have to sort out a number of issues, one of which is making up a menu for a nursing mother. After all, what a woman eats when lactating affects the well-being and health of the baby. Some products have to be removed from the diet altogether, while others need to be limited. But at the same time, the mother should not be on a diet, because then the baby will not get all the necessary nutrients. It is necessary to understand, whether it is possible to eat a herring at thoracal feeding. This fish is loved by many, but Mom justly cares about the possibility of its inclusion in their diet.

Benefit and harm of herring for nursing

Experts do not prohibit the use of salted herring for women with lactation. But it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances. First, it is worth pointing out that this fish is rich in vitamins A, D, as well as phosphorus, calcium, iodine. It contains a useful Omega-3 acid , which contributes to the normalization of the brain, cardiovascular system, has a beneficial effect on vision.

But those who think about whether it is possible to breastfeeding mothers salted or slightly salted herring, it is worth remembering that a tasty fish can cause negative consequences:

But even with all the above nuances, doctors do not forbid mothers to take this product, and to the question: is it possible to salted herring while breastfeeding-respond in the affirmative, but still recommend to abstain from eating it for the first 1-3 months after childbirth.

Useful recommendations

To reduce the likelihood of negative reactions from the baby's body, Mom should listen to some tips.

It is important to choose the right fish. It is optimal, if the mummy independently salts herring. If this is not possible, then you need to choose the fish that has elastic meat and shiny scales. If the choice falls on the fillet, then it should be a product from proven producers, only salt and the minimum required additives should be used in its production. Be sure to check the expiration date.

Do not eat a lot of herring every day, it is better to limit yourself to small portions. This will help to avoid the risk of negative reactions. It is also worthwhile to monitor the condition of the crumbs and if signs of an allergy or a digestive tract disorder are seen, then it will be necessary to abandon the salted fish for a while.