Acetonemic syndrome in children

Acetonemic syndrome refers to the state of the body that occurs when pancreatic and liver enzymes are deficient. In the acetone syndrome, the following can be the causes:

Acetonemic syndrome in children: symptoms

With acetone syndrome, the child's condition worsens dramatically. Characteristic of the following symptoms:

A specific symptom of acetone-induced vomiting syndrome is the odor of acetone in the mouth and urine.

Acetonemic syndrome in children: treatment

If you have a syndrome, you first need to improve the child's condition. If vomiting does not stop, it is stopped with an anti-emetic, for example, cerucal, metoclopramide. It is also necessary to wash the stomach with 1% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. To prevent dehydration of the body, the child is soldered with sweet liquids (tea with lemon, compote of raisins), mineral water (Borjomi) and a solution of the rehydron. To get rid of abdominal pain I use spasmolytic drugs (papaverine, drotaverin, no-shpa). The use of enterosorbents (lactofiltrum, enterosgel, polysorb) is shown.

Treatment of acetone syndrome involves an exercise to prevent relapse. To do this, the doctor appoints hepatoprotectors and drugs containing pancreatic enzymes (pancreatin, creon) for a month or two.

Acetonemic syndrome in children: a diet

The leading role in therapy is given to a diet. It should be adhered to not only during acetone crises, but also constantly, so that the child does not develop complications in the future in the form of diseases (diabetes, VSD, hypertension, cholepathy and kidney damage).

Foods with acetone can include foods such as soups and borscht on vegetable broth, low-fat meat, sea fish, eggs, dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits, pickles, juices, fruit drinks and compotes.

It is necessary to limit the use of chocolate, fatty foods, canned food, river fish, sauces, citrus, legumes, yoghurt. The use of products such as meat broth, fatty meats, offal, cocoa, black tea, carbonated drinks, sorrel, buns and puff pastry, sour cream, chips in the diet of children with acetone syndrome are prohibited.

Acetonemic crises, as a rule, cease to 10-12 years of age. But the child still needs examinations in the clinic.