Chastushki about Shrovetide for Children

Pancake week is a holiday that came to us from Ancient Rus. Since time immemorial, the whole Maslenitsa week was accompanied by merry folk festivals, in which both adults and children of different ages took part with pleasure. Unfortunately, today this holiday is not so popular, but very many people honor the customs and traditions of their ancestors and try to pass them on to the next generation.

That's why moms and dads, grandparents often read funny quotes, jokes and ditties about Shrovetide for their children. With the help of these works of Russian folklore, it is possible to explain to the child why during this holiday pancakes are cooked and they treat each other, burn a scarecrow and endlessly merry.

In this article we offer to your attention a few children's ditties that can be used on Shrovetide for entertainment and dating children on this wonderful holiday.

Short ditties about Shrovetide for children

Chastushki for the youngest children should be short, so that the kid could catch their meaning and repeat for adults. Such ditties can be performed with music or simply with a song. Anyway, these short rhymes, timed to Pancake week, will help to enrich the vocabulary of crumbs and introduce it to ancient customs and traditions.

In particular, for the group of boys and girls of early age, the following chastooshkas-quatrains are perfect:

We are with all honest people

You chastushki will sing,

We spend the winter-mother

And we'll start meeting spring.


We are on a shrouded week

The holiday was not broken,

All friends danced, sang,

Yes, pancakes were eating!


On the merry Russian troika

We were friends.

After knocking down the cow Zorka,

Tears poured into three streams.


25 pancakes of healthy

I ate in one sitting.

And now on the trousers of the new

You will not find clean places.


As on our Carnival

Everyone becomes warmer.

Go away, winter, away,

We with pancakes are more cheerful.


Long ditties for older kids

The older guys usually happily play the ditties with merry music to please their parents and other loved ones, and also to show their talent to other boys and girls. In this case, as a rule, longer works of Russian folklore are used. For example, on the eve of the Shrovetide week, the guys can perform such a clockwork chastushka:

On Monday with a clear dawn

All ride on the hill,

All sorts of delicacies are chewed,

Loud songs are singing.

Through the village to every yard

The children's choir is running.

Of the houses are old clothes,

All sorts of rags.

All take out for the fence,

Spreading a large fire.

That's Carnival,

Glorious Carnival!

For the beloved for the scarf

The guy climbs on the shelf.

A pole is poured over with water,

That's why it's icy.

In tests, the lads stand,

And in the cooking of the girl -

Sweet pancakes are baked,

The food is served.

The people are smiling,

He leads a round dance.

That's Carnival,

Good Carnival!

Spazaranok runs son-in-law

His mother-in-law to please,

Calling her into the house,

He treats there with wine.

Have fun, honest people,

Filling his stomach.

This is Pancake week,

Celebrate Pancake week!