Pedagogical neglect

Pedagogical neglect (PP) is a term that refers to children with certain delays in development, with problems of adaptation in society and aggressive attitude towards the world as a whole.

The psychic of children with the problem of pedagogical neglect is amenable to correction. If the predisposition to PP is detected in time, the child will not be difficult to adapt to the generally accepted norms of ethical behavior.

Socially pedagogical neglect is expressed by the aggressive attitude towards the people surrounding the child, not by the desire to adhere to the rules of behavior in society, the protest against learning in school or kindergarten.

Types of pedagogical neglect

  1. Moral and educational. Characterized by the lack of moral concepts and immoral behavior.
  2. Intellectual and pedagogical. Infantility in respect of study and unwillingness to comprehensively develop.
  3. Moral and aesthetic. Distorted feeling of "beautiful" and "ugly."
  4. Mediko-pedagogical. Physical deviations in consequence of not observing the elementary rules of hygiene.
  5. Moral and labor. Denying the need to work both physically and mentally.

These kinds of pedagogical neglect are encountered in practice, both in separate manifestations, and jointly. Identify themselves to a greater or lesser extent. Elimination of manifestations of asociality is possible only when the efforts of the teacher and family are combined.

Difficulty and pedagogical neglect

Often the term "difficult child" equates to pedagogical neglect. But these are somewhat different concepts. PP is an indicator of a predisposition to difficulty in coping. Thus, hard-to-learnness is a consequence of pedagogical neglect.

A difficult child creates many problems for parents and educators in kindergarten. In the later school life, the child's control becomes increasingly difficult. Without the help of a specialist psychologist in the education of such children can not do.

The reasons for pedagogical neglect

Of course, it is almost impossible to establish the exact reason why a child begins to deny and contradict everything that the older people teach him. But there are several factors that can provoke a child to such hostile behavior:

Correction of pedagogical neglect

The main task of people having an impact on the upbringing of a child is to reveal in time the signs of pedagogical neglect. Then you do not have to resort to the help of specialists or give the child to specialized classes for correction of PP. Try to create for him comfortable conditions for study and creative activity. Encourage the desire to learn something new, including attending sports sections.

Learn to control yourself and your behavior with your child. Do not raise his voice again, because of any misconduct. Try to calmly explain the cause and effect of its negative actions.