Day regimen in kindergarten

In order for the child to adapt quickly and painlessly to the kindergarten, parents should prepare their baby for some time before starting the pre-school educational institution. A huge influence on how the child will feel in a new environment, plays a daily routine. It is known that in every kindergarten there is a regime of the day. Sleep, games, meals and kindergarten classes are held at strictly defined hours. Before giving the baby to the kindergarten, parents should arrange a day at home in such a way that the sleep and food time is at the same hours as in the kindergarten. For this, fathers and mothers need to know what the regime of the day is in the kindergarten.

The organization of the mode of work in kindergarten is designed in such a way that children, depending on their age, have enough time for active games, classes and recreation. The regime for the child in the kindergarten can be different, but each preschool institution adheres to the same general rules.

Approximate mode of kindergarten:

Time of free activity in the day mode in kindergarten is provided for independent games. Also, children play with each other while walking in the fresh air. If the weather is bad in the street, then instead of walking children spend time in the group. The summer regime in kindergarten is somewhat different from other periods - at this time children go on excursions, visit theaters, a zoo and other interesting places.

The time of food intake in virtually all kindergartens is the same. Some changes are found in a private kindergarten - in addition to breakfast, lunch and snack there is a second breakfast and dinner. The second breakfast, as a rule, consists of fruits, vitaminized dishes and sweet. Children dine between 18:30 and 19:00.

Great importance in the regime of the day in the kindergarten is played not only by the time of eating, but also by the composition of the dishes. An approximate menu must necessarily include: dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish products, bread. Parents can ask in advance what the children are feeding in a particular kindergarten.

During a quiet hour, all the children are resting. Even if the child does not want to sleep during the day, he simply lies on the bed. Typically, the time of daytime sleep is from 2 to 3 hours.

Great importance for the full development of the child is playing in the kindergarten. The duration of studies, as a rule, does not exceed 30 minutes, so that the child does not have time to get tired. The main activities in the kindergarten:

All classes with children are conducted in groups according to the age of the child. Time of classes in the senior and preparatory group is longer than in the junior and nursery.