Rites for the Annunciation - what rituals can be done for the Annunciation for prosperity and prosperity?

Since ancient times, people have used church holidays for various rituals that are more related to pagan traditions. In the people's piggy bank is a huge number of rites that will help make adjustments in different areas of life.

Rites for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

It is believed that this heavenly festival opens the heavens, so all requests sent to the Higher Powers will be heard. The folk rituals for the Annunciation involve observing a number of rules:

  1. It is important that no one knows about the use of magic, otherwise results from rituals will not be.
  2. For the desired to become real, it is necessary to believe in the action of rites and their power.
  3. It is necessary to create suitable conditions by disconnecting all electrical devices so that they do not distract and do not knock down energy.
  4. Rituals for the Annunciation can be repeated every year, strengthening the effect of the previous one.
  5. Be sure to observe all the nuances of rituals and do not change words in conspiracies.

Rituals for the Annunciation on prosperity

To conduct a ritual to attract material flow, you need to prepare for three days before the holiday. If the earnings are provided by the husband, then the woman makes a guard for him. The rite of riches for the Annunciation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Take a piece of white matter of a square shape, a thread of red color and a leaf of the clover, which is one of the main monetary symbols. Still need oak leaves, which embody confidence and strength, and silver wormwood - a symbol of health.
  2. All the plants put on a napkin, collect the ends and tie them with a string, so that the result is a bag. It is important to make three knots.
  3. The ready amulet must be put in a pillowcase. When changing bed linen, you should check the condition of the bag. If he became yellow and lost the fragrance, it means he did his job and it needs to be burned outside the house.

Rites for the Annunciation for Marriage

Many of the fair sex are experiencing because of the fact that a long time can not arrange their personal lives and go under the crown. Do not despair, because there are women's rites for the Annunciation, which can change the situation for the better. To marry in the near future, follow this instruction:

  1. Take a handful of wheat that should not be peeled.
  2. Together with her, you need to go to the church service, during which the grains are pressed to the chest. Returning home it is important not to talk to anyone.
  3. Houses of grain need to be poured at the threshold, saying a special conspiracy.
  4. Wheat should remain there for a week, and then, it should be planted in a regular flowerpot and periodically watered.
  5. Blagoveshchensky rite for marriage indicates that the situation in his personal life will change with the appearance of sprouts.

Rites of the Annunciation to Love

Lonely girls can use a simple ritual to become more attractive to men and increase their chances of meeting a decent person. The Annunciation rites are very simple and for one of them it is necessary to perform a number of actions:

  1. In the morning after awakening, wash in three waters. The first one - uninhabited from the tap, that is, before that no one should open it. In the second you need to add rose oil, and the third one - holy water . Wipe should be the hem of his own shirt.
  2. To continue the ceremony of the Annunciation it is necessary to put on red underwear, make an easy make-up and hairstyle, and go outside until noon necessarily with the left foot.
  3. It is necessary to take a twig of any tree on which the kidney appeared. She should touch a loving couple who hugs or kisses. The branch should be placed at home and when the kidneys are dissolved, the situation in their personal lives will change.

Rituals for the conception of a child at the Annunciation

Since the Mother of God is the main mother for believing people who gave the Savior the world, the Annunciation is the ideal time to conduct rituals for successful conception. It is recommended that you go to the temple and confess to clear yourself of the possible negative.

  1. Rituals for the Annunciation on Pregnancy should be conducted after preliminary preparation and for the presented ritual it is necessary to buy a white dove the day before. The bird must stay home at night.
  2. It should be addressed with a request to convey to the Higher Powers a desire for a child. You can also write a note indicating the sex, eye color, character and other features of the baby's future.
  3. Early in the morning, the dove should be released into the sky, putting a note in the beak.
  4. After that, you need to go outside and try to find a pregnant cat, which you should pat, and then hold your hand and your own stomach.

Rituals on the Annunciation on health

There are rituals designed to get rid of existing diseases and improve overall well-being. The magical rites of the Annunciation have tremendous power, so with their help you can help not only yourself, but also close people.

  1. We need to get water on the eve and go with her to the church for the morning service. After it, go home, necessarily giving alms to three people in need.
  2. At home take a shower to remove the negative, and then, pour yourself with the Annunciation water.
  3. After that, you need to charge positive energy, it can be done in different ways, for example, watching a comedy, doing your favorite thing, going for a walk and so on.

Rites for the Annunciation on prosperity and employment

To improve your financial situation, find a good job and solve other problems, without luck you can not do. For this purpose it is necessary to know what rituals do on the Annunciation, and one of the most effective involves the preparation of a special Annunciation salt. In the morning at dawn, take a pack of ordinary table salt and pour it into a canvas bag. Put it in a preheated oven for about 10 minutes. Ready-made salt can be used for cooking and used in rituals to remove spoilage and clean the room.

Rites of Peace in the Family in the Annunciation

Many couples after several years of living together lose mutual understanding, quarrel regularly and face other problems. Often, such negative changes lead to families disintegrating. To avoid such a situation, it will be useful to know which ceremonies for the Annunciation help restore peace and love to a married couple. The presented ritual was used in Russia in ancient times:

  1. Prepare a few unpeeled wheat grains, which should be put in a dinner prepared for the spouse. In order for the rite of the Annunciation of Well-being to work, grains are important to pre-soak and talk. Tell him about your problems and experiences. After this drain the water, thereby removing all the negative.
  2. Again, pour the grains of water and say good words to them. For example, tell me why you love your spouse, what you want to achieve in a relationship and express your desires.
  3. It is not necessary that the spouse eaten the grains, since it is enough that they have charged the dishes with their positive energy. Grain should be present in the dish when the food is served on the table.

Rite of the Annunciation to fulfill the desire

On this great Christian holiday every person has the opportunity to appeal to the Higher Powers with a request to realize their cherished dream. It is important that it does not have a bad intent and was serious, otherwise you can get the opposite result. Finding out what rituals can be done for the Annunciation, it is worth mentioning a ritual that helps to fulfill the cherished desire. It is believed that on this day the archangel Gabriel descends to earth, and he hears the requests of all believing people.

  1. The sacred rites of the Annunciation must be performed with a cross on the body. To conduct the ritual follows at dawn.
  2. Go out into the street and face east. Three times cross yourself, and tell a special plot.

Rites for commerce on the Annunciation

Many rituals are aimed at improving the state of things in business, solving problems and attracting new customers. Rites for the Annunciation for trade in the store can be carried out by both the owners and sellers. The presented ritual is valid only once, and it provides attraction of attention to the goods or helps to get the benefit from the transaction. At dawn, light a church wax candle and read a nine times conspiracy over a teaspoon of sugar. Put it in a small bag and hide it in the counter so that it attracts customers.