Why do cats love valerian?

No, probably not a single owner of the cat, who would not have ever watched, how his pet reacts to the smell of valerian. Do not have time to open a bubble in the room with drops, as your cat starts to run nervously around you in circles, begging for at least a drop of desired liquid. Let's find out why cats love valerian so much and how much they love cats too?

Cat's Grass

Tincture of valerian , or, as it used to be called, meung grass, cat grass, per person has a relaxing and spasmolytic effect. What can not be said about cats. From the smell of such a herb, these animals come to the strongest excitement. There is no unambiguous answer as to why this happens. There are two main versions about fierce cat love for valerian.

  1. Cat addiction . Some scientists believe that cats and cats, like man, are addicts. If you watch cats that were given a sniff of a tincture of valerian, you can immediately see a similarity in their behavior with the person who took any drug. In the beginning, cats experience extraordinary pleasure and euphoria. They rub against various objects, loudly purr . At this time, biochemical processes are taking place in their bodies, sharply changing their behavior: cats become aggressive, evil, inadequate, can attack their masters. An old, slow-moving cat, after nosing a valerian, starts rolling around on the floor, jumping and climbing over cornices and curtains. From the side, this behavior of a pet can seem funny. In fact, there is nothing funny here. When the narcotic effect of valerian passes, the cats fall into a heavy, sleep-deprived sleep. If the cat will often sniff the tincture of the cat grass, then it can develop a real drug addiction, and a possible overdose threatens to end for the animal is very sad.
  2. Cat's aphrodisiac . Give a sniff valerian to a small kitten and, most likely, it does not affect him in any way. After three months of age, the kittens begin to show interest in the magic meamba grass. But a one-year-old cat already by the ears will not be dragged from the treasured bottle with valerian. This suggests that by the year the cat enters the mature age and the smell of essential oils of valerian reminds him of the smell of sex hormones during a cat's estrus. This smell attracts and excites the animal. In the cat's body, a large number of hormones are produced, under the influence of which the animal experiences sexual arousal or falls into a kind of ecstasy. For a cat, the smell of a valerian is not so attractive, but if you give it a try this medicinal tincture, the cat will remember this taste forever and will constantly ask it from the owner.

Occasionally there are cats and cats who are indifferent to the smell of tincture of valerian. And some of them are generally afraid. Sometimes veterinarians use a tincture of valerian root as a remedy for problems with the digestive system in cats and cats. In a small dosage, it is also used with unnecessary calm and indifferent behavior of domestic animals. The main thing in this treatment is a sense of proportion. In any case, do not allow the cat to get used to valerian. Only then this medicine will benefit your pet.

There is another plant to which very cats and cats are not indifferent. This plant is a cat's mint. If the animal is next to such a plant, then immediately begins to lick it, rub it and roll on the ground, that is, it will behave as well as sniffing valerian. Scientists have found in the leaves of pussy mint a substance identical to marijuana. Maybe that's why our pets are so attracted to mint and valerian?