9 dangerous finds: things that can not be lifted from the ground

Agree, finding something is always better than losing it. That's why, we are happy when we accidentally find money lost by someone, we can take away a book forgotten by a stranger in the park or even try on an ornament found, but ...

If the joy of finding and filling you with a few hours or days, "irreversible" processes will begin after a while, after which you will very much regret that you touched the found things!

The main reason why under no circumstances it is worth lifting from the ground the objects of personal use lost by someone is that such things always absorb the energy of their master, which means that his thoughts, problems, troubles and even illnesses will come to you with a find.

And do not forget that a good half of the so-called "lost" things are left on the street specifically, in order to get rid of these most negative thoughts, adversities, financial failures, ill health and problems in your personal life! And if already today on the way you will meet these 9 items, pass by!

1. Iron money

The well-known fact that metal absorbs energy in itself, both positive and negative. But if the iron coin has been specially endowed with good energy, it becomes a talisman, and no one will ever let it out of its hands. But the option that the iron money "programmed" to get rid of something bad, including financial difficulties, is more likely. So - you risk not to be enriched by a few cents, but much more to lose! And, as a rule, the launch of such a program begins to act immediately.

2. Ornaments from precious metals

We have already mentioned that metals absorb different energies. But if it's about jewelry made of gold and silver, the consequences of such findings can be even more menacing. On the owner's body, precious trinkets do not just absorb energy, but start interacting with the biofield, and then store all the information they have received. But the most dangerous thing is that ornaments made of gold and silver are most often used to remove spoilage, evil eye or sight gimmicks! And if you found an engagement ring, be sure - in most cases, it was "thrown out" to get rid of problems in your personal life or to change it. You have already guessed, what will be fraught with for you even the fitting of such a find?

3. Hand-made things (stuffed animals, figurines made of wood, dolls)

If such a thing was done with their own hands and then taken out of the house, there is a high probability that they did it deliberately to rid their house of something bad or to do it to someone else. The council - to pass by and without looking back, because even a touch to such a dangerous find threatens with an early disruption in the family, financial setbacks and even illnesses!

4. Pins and needles

An interesting fact, but esotericists assure that the negative energy is best "charged" by sharp metal objects. That's why needles or pins in 99% of cases are not lost, but thrown out onto the street specially! Note, even if the former owner wore such an object, as a charm, this discovery will be given to you only by what he wanted to protect himself from. It is especially important not to prick a needle, because in this case, the accumulated negative can not be avoided!

5. Keys

Do you know what is most often used for, and then throw out keys in rituals? And then, to "lock" the misfortune and get rid of it. Having found the lost key, you can "open" other people's ills and let them into your life.

6. Bracelets

Even in spite of the huge popularity of hand-made jewelry, in most cases people make them as an amulet. It is known that for the time being such an object protects the owner from the negative or absorbs its negative energy. But when the moment of "saturation" comes, the bracelet breaks or falls from the hand. And if such an ornament no longer fulfills a protective function, it does not at all mean that it did not begin to perform the function of destruction. In general, even touching such a find is highly undesirable!

7. Mirrors

And if you did not even suspect of the problems with the above findings, then, as far as the mirrors are concerned, the fact is proved. From time immemorial, this household item was considered the most dangerous, and all because the surface of the mirror became a witness of all events that occurred in the house or with people, and cherished everything in its memory. You guessed why in the mirror you found in no way can you even look?

8. Watch

In the modern world, when the watch has become a necessary daily accessory, it is difficult to imagine that such a find can bring a lot of trouble and end for the one who finds it deplorable. And it's not surprising, because many people have wristwatches dozens and even hundreds, and with each copy of energy just do not have time to share. But ... even during that short period that the clock was on the man's hand, they managed to enter the connection with his biofield. That's why, putting such a find on your hand, you thereby violate your biofield, and even take away the problems and illnesses of the previous owner that he had during the period of using this accessory.

9. Hairbrushes

In the case of the found comb, you should remember that here you can not get rid of the previous owner by negative energy alone. This household item is very often used for conspiracies and charms, and therefore, such findings with a maximum mark on the danger!