What does the name Gleb mean?

The name of Gleb is very rough, cold and masculine. The bearer of this name is often an interesting and original person.

In translation from ancient Slavic means "favorite of the gods".

Origin of the name Gleb:

The origin of this name is not yet clear. It is only known that it is very ancient and rare. Perhaps the name was borrowed from the Old Norse language and comes from the word "gudleifr", meaning "favorite of the gods".

But, along with this opinion, there is another. It is assumed that the origin of the name Gleb is associated with the Old Slavonic word "gleba", which translates as "land", "arable land".

The character and interpretation of the name Gleb:

Since childhood, Gleb has a serious and calm character, respectively, looks more mature than his age. He is unhurried and judicious in his actions and actions. Throughout his life, he can give the impression of a somewhat sullen person, however, the people around him have a rather respectful attitude and respect for him, since he has a generous nature and good nature.

He does not like to give empty promises, to throw words to the wind. This man of his word, if he said, then, accordingly, he did. In a serious conversation behaves courageously and dignified, even though his opponent is his bloody enemy.

If Gleb occupies a leading position, his subordinates believe that they are very lucky with the boss, since he is a just man, strict, but moderately, diplomatic, objective and benevolent. Concrete and consistent in their actions. Gleb has "golden hands", everything is done by himself in his house - shelves for books, or mezzanines, beautiful repairs and other.

Gleb - a passionate nature, with a strong sexual temperament. Very romantic, can be very passionate about his partner, to the point of madness. However, the partner learns of his affection in the last place, since he will look at it for quite some time and look for the right moment to pour out his ocean of love, because he is afraid of frustration that is going through very deeply. Sometimes, it can be quite straightforward and rushed, without a prelude to sexual intercourse. In most cases, this is typical for the "winter" Gleb - he has a more unstable mind and straightforwardness, who does not tolerate objections, in comparison with, for example, the "summer" type. "Winter" is more capable of spontaneous sexual relations, which, in his opinion, relieve sexual tension.

Often falling in love with youth, or in youth, he carries this love through the years, his whole life, and this, sometimes, complicates relations with other women, so real happiness for him is quite difficult to find. Entering into an intimate connection, Gleb does not think about how long it will last, accordingly does not hesitate about marriage. From the partner awaits strong passions, refined caresses, great feelings, sexual looseness.

He is rather loving, and, on the second day of acquaintance, is able to lead his chosen one to a crown. In marriage, he completely trusts his wife and gives her the reins of government, but if he doubts her faithfulness, then one can not avoid long inquiries and investigations. And, conceived, having chosen to itself the chosen one one and for all life, does not notice in it any lacks.

Gleb loves to be independent and independent, but is committed to that woman who will take care of him all his life, which will share his interests and hobbies, listening to every word of it. The marriages of the "winter" Glebs, sometimes, are short-lived because of the despotism of this man in family life, the intolerance of intimacy.

For children, Gleb is a wonderful nanny - he is washing diapers, cooking porridge for kids, reading fairy tales for them at night. And also has no addiction to alcohol.

Interesting facts about the name of Gleb:

Several years ago, when it was fashionable to call children unusual old Slavic names, the name Gleb became very popular. Now interest in it is falling, it again becomes rare.

Name Gleb in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Gleb : Glebushka, Glebka, Glebik, Glebochek

Gleb - color of the name : lilac

Gleb Flower : clover

Gleb Stone : Moonstone