What is the name of Sophia?

The qualities inherent in Sophia - intellectuality and impulsiveness, she is deeply moral and strives for communication.

The name Sophia from the Greek translates as "wisdom", "science", "intelligence".

Origin of the name Sophia:

Sophia's name came from the ancient Greek "sophia", which means "wisdom." The name was very common in Byzantium, from where it came to Russia along with the adoption of Orthodoxy.

Character and interpretation of the name Sophia:

From an early age, Sophia is distinguished by capriciousness, sensitivity and mobility. She is obedient, but she knows how to insist on her. In the society of peers she aspires to fame, recognition and respect, loves when she is admired. In study, Sophia is purposeful, gifted, and in her youth she is eager to continue her studies. To parents and relatives are very affectionate, willingly help around the house.

In the work of Sophia are active and try to do as much as possible. They are rational and are able to plan their time accurately. Strict, but also to themselves do not require indulgence. They work well with people, which requires self-confidence and quick decisions. Sophia has a great spiritual power and instinctively strives for power, recognition and self-expression. Often, she finds herself in art, a strong intuition often attracts her towards mysticism.

Sophia is sociable, they love companies, they do not mind discovering, but always respectfully respect the inner world of others. She is a sensitive friend and delicate adviser, always ready to help, is efficient and organized. Disadvantages of Sophia may be excessive suspiciousness and the desire for total control of loved ones. Sociable Sophia sometimes does not disdain a petty lie "out of love for art." Failures are rarely important to them, but in response to the insult they do not hesitate to offend themselves. Quickly make up an opinion about a person and rarely change it.

Outwardly, Sophia may look dry, but in communication they are gentle and charming. They have a certain zest, which makes up the lion's share of their attractiveness. Dressing prefer fashionably, but strictly, do not tolerate pretentiousness. In men they seek caresses and patience, they need to be loved. By their nature Sophia loves, they are difficult to keep, but really interested in the chosen one Sofia is faithful and true. In a sexual life needs a complete union with a partner, morbidly jealous, she constantly needs tenderness and affection. Loves compliments and assurances of love.

In the family life of Sophia wonderful wives and mothers. They rarely manage to create a perfectly adjusted life, but their natural charm and sincere love for their loved ones compensate for this. Good cook. Sofia rarely aspires to be a leader at home, but a strong and reliable family is the subject of her personal pride. She is diplomatic and knows how to build relationships with father and mother-in-law, but does not allow outsiders to interfere in home life. The enamored Sophia can destroy her own marriage without hesitation, but almost never falls to accusations and scandals.

Interesting facts about the name of Sophia:

Sophia's marriage with a man named Yuri, Alexei, Arkady, Sergey and Oleg is well formed, the relationship with Dmitry, Stanislav and Peter is more unsuccessful.

Sophia, born in the winter, have good health and good advisers. "Spring" owners of the name are benevolent and charming, "summer" can be superficial, frivolous and amorous. "Autumn" owners of the name are intelligent and emotionally dry.

Sophia's name in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Sophia : Sofyushka, Sofa, Sonechka, Sonyusha, Sonya, Sona

Sophia - color of name : white

Sophia flower : white lily

Sophia stone : lapis lazuli

Forms and variants of the name Sophia : Sophie, Sonia, Panda, Lemur, Sue, Sonya, Sonya, Curly, Strict