
Our age is generous in the emergence of various social movements that unite people with a similar worldview. Particularly strong influence on the formation of such groups is provided by modern technologies, in particular, the Internet. For example, the movement of childfree in our country was first of all spoken by active Internet users - bloggers and regulars of social networks. The controversy does not subside to this day, some support and protect the representatives of the movement in every possible way, while others are branded with shame. So who are these women and men?

Childfree is what?

The term Childfree (from the English "child" - the child, "free" - free) means people who knowingly refuse to have children. The history of the concept is difficult to track, it is assumed that it was introduced in contrast to the word "childless", which denoted those who did not have the opportunity for some reason to acquire offspring.

People chayldfri - psychopaths!

In the network, you can find many people who are ready to say "hate chayldfri", considering the representatives of this movement as the worst examples of the human race. Is it true or are they opposed to childfree just envy them?

  1. People who advocate freedom from children hate them and are in favor of sterilization and contraception.
  2. Adherents of the Childfree movement refer to people not from their own environment as giving birth to idiots, believing that their non-initiative people are not able to achieve impressive results.
  3. Childfree are people with mental disabilities who challenge society by interfering with their natural destiny.
  4. Not the desire to have children testifies to the absence of moral principles, these people have no conception of morality, considering the family an obsolete institution.

The other side of the chayldfri movement

It is impossible to make up your own judgment about any phenomenon, without considering it from both sides. Arguments of supporters of the direction of anti-childfri we found out, it remains to find words of protection for children free from children.

  1. Hardly every representative of the childfree movement can say "I hate children." Moreover, many like the "flowers of life", but only not in their territory.
  2. In something chayldfri right - devoting himself to the family, it is impossible to build a career. At some point in life, everyone (especially women) chooses such a path for themselves, who wants to reach the top of the career ladder.
  3. Talking about mental deviations is possible only in the case of blindly following the idea (fanaticism). The application for a challenge to society is also rather doubtful. Is not the same society beating in hysterics, talking about teenage pregnancy, the birth of children in low-income families? Does this talk about contraception look terrible?
  4. Childfree does not advocate immoral behavior, among them there are many couples living in a legitimate marriage. Unwillingness to have children may be justified by personal egoism and fear of responsibility, but one should not cut one size fits all, the grounds for the absence of children can be very different.
  5. Childfree can and go against nature, but everyone has the right to decide their own destiny. And no one, neither the state, nor the society has the right to dictate a specific personality to the framework of behavior concerning family issues and the birth of children.

A child is the greatest happiness, but only when it is desired. If a person is not ready morally to the appearance of a baby, then what is wrong with his unwillingness to acquire offspring? Of course, inadequate people among the childfree are also found, but there are plenty of them among the "role models."