Effect of alcohol on conception

Alcohol is a harmful substance that can penetrate through any physiological barriers and poison all cells of the body, including sex. Children, conceived under the influence of alcohol, are characterized by reduced intelligence and weakened immunity , and sometimes have severe malformations in development.

Scientists have proved the negative impact of alcohol on women's eggs, alcohol can distort the genetic code of the female germ cell, which subsequently leads to trisomy or other deformities. Since the future eggs are laid by the girl in the ovaries from birth, then every intake of alcohol can subsequently affect the baby.

Taking alcohol before pregnancy planning, a woman risks "poisoning" some of the follicles most susceptible to toxic substances. But thanks to the laws of physiology, healthy follicles are lighter and stand first in the queue for maturation, and the affected cells descend and mature after 30 years. Therefore, taking alcohol in youth before planning children, there is a high probability of giving birth to an unhealthy child in the future.

Negative effect of alcohol on the egg in the month of conception of the child, i.e. taking alcoholic drinks from the first day of the menstrual cycle , a woman can cause irreparable harm to a baby conceived from an egg this month. The effect of alcohol on the egg leads to the destruction of some bonds in the genetic code of the cell, to a change in the composition of the protein, i.e. nutrient medium for the future baby.

If a fertilized cell is genetically programmed to develop identical twins, then the negative effect of alcohol on conception leads to the birth of Siamese twins.

It is known about the negative effect of alcohol on sperm in conception of a child. Alcohol substances act "exhilaratingly" on the male cells, i.e. increase their activity, but at the same time destroy genetic information. With this phenomenon it turns out that the "poisoned" spermatozoa can quickly reach and fertilize the egg, rather than healthy male cells. This process contradicts the laws of physiology, under the conditions of which weak spermatozoa carrying distorted RNA are less active than healthy "brethren".

Effect of alcohol on pregnancy

Using alcohol during pregnancy, a woman causes irreparable harm to her baby. The nerve cells of the embryo, which regulate the development of the entire fetus, are most sensitive to alcohol substances. Therefore, women who abuse alcohol, children are born with severe pathologies.

The harmful effect of alcohol on fetal development is inevitable, since alcohol substances easily penetrate the placental barrier. The most dangerous periods are 6-8 and 12-14 weeks, at which time the main stages of fetal formation occur.

A glass of wine drunk at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy will not cause negative consequences, because During this period, the fertilized fetus moves along the fallopian tubes to the uterus and does not receive nutrition from the mother.