Public opinion - methods of manipulating public opinion and mass consciousness

To use this term have become relatively recent, and the phenomenon itself has been observed in all historical epochs. About him spoke Plato, Aristotle and Democritus, and G. Hegel unfolded described public opinion. In the 20th century, his sociological concept was formed, and to date scientists from different countries are exploring his essence, roles and functions.

What is public opinion?

There is no precise definition of this concept. In general terms, they can be called a set of judgments that are developed and shared by a wide range of people. The phenomenon of public opinion was observed by primitive peoples and helped to regulate the life of tribes. Discussions about the interpretation of this concept continue, but every year it becomes more and more "democratic", reflecting the processes taking place in society. It became a manifestation of political behavior and a method of influencing politics.

Public opinion in sociology

It is a question of public consciousness, which expressly or implicitly expresses its attitude to events, incidents and facts of public life, reflecting the position of the entire collective on issues of interest to all. Public opinion as a social phenomenon has a number of functions:

  1. Social control . The opinion of the society can contribute or slow down the implementation of government decisions.
  2. Expressive . By expressing a certain position, public opinion can monitor state authorities and evaluate their activities.
  3. Advisory . As a result of conducted surveys of the population, it is possible to solve this or that problem, to force the representatives of the political elite to take a more balanced decision.
  4. Directive . Expression of the will of the people in the conduct of referenda.

Public opinion in psychology

The opinion of society as a litmus paper reflects reality and evaluates it. This is a certain section of the spiritual life of people, because in expressing their opinion, they approve or condemn something or someone. The formation of public opinion leads to the development of a single assessment and the corresponding behavior in this particular situation. The society consists of the most diverse groups and structures. In families, production collectives, sports organizations, an internal opinion is formed, which is essentially a public opinion.

It is very difficult to confront him, because any person becomes defenseless, surrounded by hostile judgments. As practice shows, 10% of like-minded people are enough for the rest of the people to join them. Public opinion plays a huge role in people's lives: it provides information about the surrounding world, helps to adapt to the characteristics of a particular society and affects information flows.

Public opinion and mass consciousness

This social institution develops patterns of behavior, directing people's actions in the usual way. Often, a person who has his or her own opinion, surrenders to them for the sake of the opinion of the majority. The interrelation of such concepts as mass behavior and public opinion was described by E. Noel-Neumann, having discovered the so-called "spiral of silence". According to this concept, people with a position that contradicts social attitudes are "hushed up." They do not express their point of view, fearing to remain in the minority.

This universal regulator is present in all spheres of human life - economic, spiritual, political. It is more informal than a social institution, because it regulates the behavior of subjects in society through a system of informal norms. To quantify public opinion, all sorts of polls, questionnaires, etc. are used. At the moment it is an invariable attribute of any democratic society.

How is public opinion formed?

His education occurs under the influence of a variety of factors - rumors and gossip, opinions, beliefs, judgments, misconceptions. At the same time, it is very important that the subject matter of the discussion be relevant to a large number of people and provide for a multivalued interpretation and various estimates. Those wishing to know how public opinion is created should answer that it is equally important to have the necessary level of competence to discuss the problem. It is worth noting the influence of the Internet on public opinion, the state, the media, and personal experience of people.

Methods of manipulating public opinion

Such methods are designed to suppress the will of citizens and to direct their opinions and motivations in the right direction. Manipulation of public opinion provides for:

  1. Suggestion.
  2. Transfer to the general system of a particular case.
  3. Rumor, conjecture, unverified information.
  4. The use of a method called "dead bodies" is needed. This is an emotional zombie using the theme of sex, violence, murder, etc.
  5. Manipulation of public opinion provides for the choice of the lesser of two evils.
  6. Silence of one information and propaganda of another.
  7. Fragmentation - the separation of information into separate parts.
  8. The method of "Goebbels", in which lie is given for the truth, constantly repeating it.
  9. Hoax.
  10. Astroturfing. Artificial management of public opinion with the help of specially hired people.

The role of propaganda in shaping public opinion

Politics is impossible without propaganda, because it forms a system of political beliefs and directs people's actions, developing in their minds the necessary guidelines. The process of forming public opinion is aimed at combining theoretical and everyday political consciousnesses and integrating the necessary ideas about politics. As a result, a person makes his choice instinctively, "on the machine." Such an impact is qualified as negative if it distorts moral criteria and norms, causes psychological tension, disorientates groups of people.

The influence of the media on public opinion

The main method of influencing the media on people is stereotyping. It involves the creation of illusory stereotypes - illusions, myths, standards of behavior, which are designed to induce the right reaction in the form of fear , sympathy, love, hatred, etc. The media and public opinion are closely interrelated, because the former can create a false picture of the world using manipulative opportunities and teach people unconditionally to take on faith everything they talk about on television, radio, etc. The myths are based on stereotypes , and on them any ideology is based.

The influence of public opinion on people

The opinion of society brings up "morally pure" its members. Public opinion and rumors form and instill certain norms of social relations. A person learns to be responsible for his words and actions before the society. Asking how public opinion affects a person yet, it is worth noting that it educates and re-educates, shapes customs and attitudes, traditions, habits. But at the same time it affects people and negatively, "pressing" them, forcing them to live with an eye on what people will say.

Fear of public opinion

Everyone is afraid of the public opinion, afraid of criticism, which undermines his initiative, suppresses the desire to move forward, develop and grow. Fear of public opinion is very difficult to suppress, because a person can not live outside of society. As a result of the lack of ideas, dreams and aspirations, life becomes gray and dull, and for some individuals, the consequences can be fatal, especially if parents look after the opinion of the people and raised the child in the same spirit. The fear of criticism makes a person uninformative, weak-willed, shy and unbalanced.

Dependence on public opinion

People completely free from the opinions of others do not. Self-sufficient personalities are less affected to him, but people with an abundance of complexes and low self-esteem suffer more than others. Those who are interested in who depends most on public opinion can answer that they are modest, weak-willed people, fixated on themselves. Most likely, as a child, parents did not praise them at all, but constantly humiliated and belittled their dignity. Fear of public opinion is higher than truth, goals, career, love.

How to stop depending on public opinion?

It's not easy, but everything is real when there is a desire. Those who are interested in how to get rid of public opinion, you just need to understand that each person is unique and does not look like anyone else. And still most people overestimate the interest in their person. In fact, people do not often pay attention to someone. No one wants to look ridiculous, cruel, stupid or unprofessional in the eyes of others, but he who does nothing does not make mistakes.

The society will find, for what criticize any person, but if you turn the criticism to good, you can become more free. Criticism helps personal growth , provides an opportunity to improve yourself. It teaches listening and hearing, forgiving, getting rid of the wrong stereotypes. Each person is imperfect and has the right to make a mistake, he just needs to give himself the opportunity to make a mistake, but not to blame himself for it, but to use the experience gained to further advance his goal.