Tearfulness - Causes

Crying is sometimes useful to both men and women. After all, with the help of tears, the insults that lurk in the depths of the soul, grief, longing for the lost, etc., come out through tears. True, if tearfulness has recently taken root in your daily life, and it is difficult for you to understand the cause that caused it, there is reason to think about the occurrence of some disruptions in the body .

Causes of increased tearfulness in women

  1. Stress . No one is immune from the intrusion of stressful situations into a person's life. Therefore, if fate has decided to give you life's tests, and your inner world has turned any negative emotional shock, you will be characterized by increased tearfulness. This is due to the fact that changes have occurred in the nervous system, and it is extremely difficult for your psyche to withstand such a load, because it reacts to the situation with nervousness and the appearance of tearfulness.
  2. Emotionally unstable condition . In other words, emotional lability, which depends, first of all, on the temperament of a person. Remember, even in school, in the textbooks on biology, there were four types of people: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. Each of them will react differently to different situations, which have a place in life. Everything depends on the type of their nervous system, genetic predisposition, upbringing. So, melancholic can be safely called empathy, whiny person. The main thing to remember is that there is nothing reprehensible about this. You just need to learn how to control your condition.
  3. Depressive states . In the life of every person there are times when it seems that the whole world is collapsing, and there are no longer grounds for joy. The state is depressed, it seems that the hands fall, and no one is able to understand you.
  4. Aggressive states . This reason for tearfulness, like the previous one, is attributed to the problems of the mental plane. Increased tearing can occur with panic attacks and other neurological diseases.
  5. Head injuries . If as a result of physical impact, there are abnormalities in the functioning of the brain, it is unlikely that this can be cured.
  6. Climax . Caused by changes on the hormonal background. First of all, the fact that the oocytes cease to produce hormones. The body begins to prepare for old age. And this provokes various hormonal outbursts and sharp mood swings.
  7. PMS . Tearfulness before menstruation lasts from 3 to 5 days. Let's just say your body is preparing for the period of "red days". Often, with the onset of menstruation after hormonal adjustment, tearfulness disappears.
  8. Pregnancy . This is caused, again, by hormones. All nine months the woman becomes unnecessarily sensitive to various factors.
  9. Thyroid gland . How long have you been to an endocrinologist? But the cause of tearfulness can be the hyperfunction of this organ. That is, it produces Thyroid hormones are more than necessary.

How to get rid of tearfulness?

With tearfulness and irritability, which often accompanies it, you can say goodbye to a psychologist. It will help you get rid of internal fears , anxieties that have lain at the deepest levels of your inner self. If the reason lies in your physical health, contact the doctors who, after conducting the examination, will be able to prescribe a course of treatment.

A different solution to getting rid of tearfulness, if it's not a question of health problems, is to learn how to control one's emotions. At a time when it seems that just about to cry, remember the funny moments of your life, try to get distracted.