Blue in Psychology

Why does green mean "go" and red color "stop"? Black color is the color of sadness and mourning, and the bride is always in white? You say that this is a tribute to tradition and partly awake right. Since the emotional perception of colors is primarily influenced by physiological factors, and then by traditions. All colors are perceived by a person through an association, for example, blue - cold.

The Significance of Blue in Psychology

A person who loves blue has the following characteristics: honesty, modesty, uncertainty , melancholy, a strong need for peace. He likes to read, is inclined to self-sacrifice, prefers to give, not to receive. This person does not know how, and does not like to row. He feels lonely even among people.

When exposed to a blue color, a person is less anxious, his tension decreases. However, with prolonged exposure there is fatigue, fatigue, soothing actions become oppressive. Blue is a dream, a loss of reality, fanaticism . Blue reduces the manifestation of emotionality (if you want that business negotiations have been successful, then the suit is better to wear blue). The person who prefers this color, tries to systematize everything, to put in order. He is devoted to what he does and always has his own point of view, and is also reserved, conservative and reliable.

Dark Blue in Psychology

The dark blue color (indigo) is a very serious color. He can bring a person to depression. If a person likes to draw, dark blue, then most likely, he needs a full rest, a strong discharge and full satisfaction. A person who prefers dark blue is thoughtful, prone to meditation, stable. This color awakens in him the desire for the supersensible, calls man to infinity, causes serene peace.

Color of the sea wave in psychology

The color of the sea wave is also the reluctance of external changes, and the thirst for power, and the underestimation of the complexities in life, and the conviction of one's own usefulness.

A person who likes the color of the sea wave, principled, pedantic, strong-willed, serious, attentive. He is afraid of compromising himself, of calling criticism, of making a mistake and of losing success.

Preference for the color of the sea wave, means that a person is ambitious and overestimates his own strength.

Blue color in clothes and his psychology

Everyone has his own preference for the color of clothing, but not everyone knows about the psychology of color in clothing.

Every time you choose an outfit that you wear, you do not even think that you are expressing your feelings. Color indicates the emotions that you experience, and also speaks about your character.

And so choosing clothes of different colors, you feel differently, for example - clothes of blue color bring peace and tranquility.

In clothes, blue is considered the most pleasant, it gives a sense of stability, order and trust. He is preferred - mostly by people of rational, conservative, idealistic and loyal friends. This is the color of a classic business suit. The blue color in the clothing means that the employee is conscious and responsible. However, the person in blue will feel better than himself as a subordinate, rather than as a boss.

The blue color in the clothes shows that the person is closed and immersed in himself. People wearing blue clothes are true to their principles, but they remain patient and reserved in any situation.

Color affects the psychological state of a person and his physiological processes. Knowing the characteristics of color can form an image, evoke emotions and associations. Blue in psychology is coolness, water, moisture, heaviness, calmness, silence, trust, harmony, security, masculinity. It is purity, heaven, honor, fame, sincerity, faithfulness, peace, thinking, conservatism, order, depression and suppressor of appetite.