Sandra Bullock showed her adopted daughter Laila

Sandra Bullock became the mother of a 3-year-old baby named Laila. The actress, together with the girl and with 5-year-old son Luis, was photographed for the first time for the press and gave an interview.

On the cover of People

Rumors about the replenishment of the Bullock family go for a long time, journalists already wrote that the Oscar-winning actress adopted the girl, but she herself denied this information. Now it turned out that the talks about adoption were not groundless.

Sandra, Louis and Laila starred in a photo shoot for People magazine. The editors decided to intrigue the fans and put a photo on the cover where the girl's face could not be seen. To find out what the star's daughter looks like, they will have to buy a fresh number.

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Adoption Details

The first time she saw Laila, the actress realized that they should be together, and all her doubts disappeared.

Bullock does not hide that the girl who used to live in Louisiana did not immediately get used to her and was very frightened by the changes in her life. However, the actress did everything possible to make the little girl accustomed to her, and, most importantly, knew that she and Louis would now be next to her.

When Laila appeared in the house of Bullock, pink sparkles, toys of Lego and Batman, which the girl liked, were scattered all over the place.