The appearance in the street of Natalie Portman after the decree ... provoked a traffic jam!

Who is lucky to meet with celebrities just on the road, so it's the inhabitants of Los Angeles. The other day drivers and passers-by traveling on business in Beverly Hills have witnessed an unusual phenomenon. Right on the sidewalk a group of photographers surrounded an interesting young woman in a delicate dress with open shoulders and a bell-skirt.

Photoshoot became the cause of this automobile collapse. True, very soon the drivers changed their anger to curiosity, because the main character of the photoset was none other than Natalie Portman herself! As is known, the 35-year-old stars have not appeared in people for a long time, but now such a surprise.

Publication from Officially Unofficial (@nataliepdotcom)

Reporters concluded: apparently the young mother came out of a 2-month maternity leave and decided to resume "labor activity". She became the main character of an advertising photo shoot because of which the Los Angeles drivers and stuck in traffic. Fans of the American star could not overlook the fact that twice Mom had not yet managed to regain the former, "pre-pregnant" figure.

Publication from Officially Unofficial (@nataliepdotcom)

Future plans

Apparently, Natalie simply can not take too long a pause after childbirth. They say that in the near future she will start working on a mystical series.

Read also

And for those who miss Mrs. Portman on the big screens, we have great news. This year, there will be a rental of "Annihilation" and "In the Garden of Monsters", and in 2018 - "The Life and Death of John F. Donovan".