Hobbies for girls

When the world was ruled by a "deficit", women had to do a lot with their own hands - sewing, knitting, decorating the house, creating unique hand-made gifts, recycling and giving a second life to things that could have been thrown out for a long time ... The beautiful sex dreamed that these things could be purchased at the store.

Then it's time to buy everything, the main thing is that there is enough imagination and, of course, finance.

Today, the world is experiencing a new "era" in the consumer sphere: now women, having plucked the whole day at work, are happy to devote the rest of the day to their hobbies - sewing, knitting, decorating the house and creating unique hand gifts. Those that once dreamed of buying, today spend money on raw materials to create themselves. The world has long turned upside down, and we should learn to enjoy the contemplation. Let's join fashion in hobbies for girls.

"Paper Screwing"

Speaking humanly, quilling is a technique for creating flat and voluminous figures from strips of colored paper by twisting them in a spiral. The technique was invented in Europe, in the Middle Ages by nuns, then sank into oblivion, and more recently received a second life thanks to Korean handicraftsmen.

Quilling will be a very interesting hobby for a girl who loves to decorate everything with her own hands and present unusual gifts of her own making to her relatives.


Patchwork is, in fact, patchwork (after all, the new is always a long time forgotten old). One of those kinds of hobbies for girls that does not require investment at all. Find houses rags, strong threads, needles, well, and if you have somewhere lying around the old sewing machine - in general it is wonderful. Feel the spirit of your ancestors and create a real Russian quilt!

Soap making

A useful hobby and enthusiasm for girls who at chemistry lessons at school have always dreamed of explosive practice. In fact, if you do so-soap, your kitchen will really look like a chemical laboratory - dishes will appear that you can not eat (it's for soap!), Different test tubes, powders with incomprehensible formulas, glycerin, aromatic oils, herbs, etc. . What it will look like - to the laboratory or to the basement of a witch, depends on your imagination .


Unusual and not the easiest hobby for girls. Batik is a mixture of various artistic techniques, from watercolors to mosaics, combining this with redundancy - applying a special solution on the fabric that does not allow the paint to spread. Of course, if you graduated from art school, learn the technique of batik will not be difficult at all, and maybe this will even be your vocation. But if you have never taken a brush before, do not be disappointed that the first works do not look much like the original idea. And here you will need some investment - good colors are not cheap, and the patterns look best on silk.


Decoupage is a classic hobby of a modern girl. This technique has become so fashionable because of its versatility: you can decorate almost everything from furniture, utensils, bottles, to the same fabric. And the producers are pleased with the craftsmen with new paints, varnishes and tones to give the objects a hint of antiques, with the effect of aging.

The essence is simple - cut out a pattern of paper, paste a special varnish on the prepared surface, and then maneuvers with effects begin.

Very often it happens that women who become fanatics of their hobbies quit their job and engage in their hobby already on a professional basis, while earning money and pleasure. In other words, they find their destiny.