Bulling - what is it like to identify and fight bullying in school, at work, in the family?

Bulling - this socio-psychological phenomenon has been formed since ancient times and in the modern world its scale is growing. It is believed that the bullying from the girls, unlike the boys, is psychologically more heavily perceived by the victim, the girls are more sophisticated in the methods of persecution, which indelibly leaves an imprint on the psyche of the victim.

Bulling - what is it?

Bulling comes from the English word bulling - harassment, and is an act of violence, an aggressive attack in the form of insult, humiliation, causing bodily harm to one or more people, children for the purpose of submission. It is carried out at the initial stage by 1-2 instigators or bullers, with the gradual involvement of the whole class, group or collective. Mobbing and bullying are related phenomena. Mobbing is a "herd" baiting, for example, when a beginner appears in a school or a team, and unlike bullying, only psychological persecution is used.

The causes of bullying

Why can not the social and psychological phenomenon of bullying (persecution) be eradicated? This mass of reasons, one of which is domestic violence, and bulls themselves are often victims in their own family. The desire to humiliate or cripple others grows out of a sense of inferiority, the buller does not have control over the situation of domestic violence, but in a society, a school, he can do it, and feel himself holding power in his hands.

Other reasons:

The victims of bullying

Why the choice falls victim falls on a certain child - it's hard to answer this question, rather it stems from the causes of the phenomenon itself. Often, the victims of school bullying are:

Psychology of bullying

The basis of violence, aggression, contains three components of the structure: the pursuer is a bullie or a bull, victim, and observers. Very rarely there is a fourth component - the defender. Studying the phenomenon of bullying, psychologists came to the conclusion that feelings such as envy, dislike, a false sense of injustice, a desire for self-assertion can cause the formation of this phenomenon in the school environment. Apologies for bulling - this is only a small compensation for the feelings of the victim, if the adults in time recognized the existence of bullying and taken action.

Types of bullying

The types of bullying are divided by the type of impact on the individual. It can be physical violence with causing bodily harm, and psychological pressure. The division is conditional, because causing physical injuries is also associated with a worsening of the mental state, whether it be a child or an adult who knows how to stand up for himself, if systematic harassment, both the body and the spirit of a person suffer, especially with regard to sexual violence.

Bulling at school

School bullying involves the aggression of some children against others, or even a whole class of poisoning one student. This happens at first from time to time, then systematically, and is fixed on a regular basis. There are 2 main manifestations of violence in school:

  1. Physical bullying - the child is plucked, given cuffs, kicks, sometimes causing serious bodily harm.
  2. Psychological bullying - the impact on the psyche with:

A new kind of psychological bullying - cyber bullying. On e-mail, instant messengers to the child begin to send vile appeals, images, insulting the dignity of texts, can be intimidated by threats of reprisal. The difference between cyber-bullying and traditional is that the bullet remains anonymous, which aggravates the child's psychological state, because the danger, the threat is not identified, and this strongly suppresses the personality.

Bullying at work

Psychological pressure from colleagues at work is not uncommon. In any collective, you can find someone who is a scapegoat or a lamb for slaughter. Bulling at work how to fight, the recommendations of psychologists:

Bullying in the family

Family bullying - a phenomenon common in the modern world, its causes lie in heredity (genetic predisposition in the form of accentuation of character), economic, social, medical and psychological factors. There are 3 types of persecution in the family:

  1. Physical bullying - systematic damage to the health of the child, another member of the family with physical injuries, physical injuries.
  2. Sexual bullying - the involvement of a child without his consent in the sexual actions of adults, to meet their sexual needs.
  3. Psychological bullying - humiliation of the dignity of the child, violence against the person with the help of insults, the child formed psychopathological traits.

How to deal with bullying?

How to stop bullying - on this topical issue working psychologists, heads of educational institutions, to eradicate bullying is difficult, if everything from the very beginning was neglected and violence flourishes. Prevention is the only way to nip everything in the bud, then the consequences are minimal and not so deplorable. Often, bulls are teenagers from disadvantaged families, so correcting behavioral disorders, working with the family is an important aspect of the fight against bullying.

How to identify bullying?

How to resist bullying? To do this, you need to be in observation, this also applies to a particular particular case when the parent notices that something is going wrong with his child and the teacher's observation of the microclimate in the classroom and the general desire of the entire teaching and administrative staff to see and observe the school life as a whole. This allows us to identify cases of bullying at an early stage, when suppressive measures can still have the necessary impact and minimize psychological trauma. What to pay attention to both parents and teachers:

Bullying Prevention

Prevention of bullying in the school should be built by the joint efforts of teachers, the administrative apparatus and parents, then only one can talk about success. Bulling in school how to fight - prevention:

The consequences of bullying

Bulling leaves an indelible mark on the psyche of all participants in the process. The victim of bullying is the most affected party and the consequences depend on how long the persecution lasted. The most frequent psychological disorders are the reduction of self-esteem, the consolidation of the status of "victim", various psychosomatic disorders, the formation of neuroses and phobias. It is terrible that among the victims of bullying a high percentage of suicides .

Bullers also face the consequences of their destructive behavior, becoming adults, they look regretfully at themselves in the past, a sense of guilt and shame accompanies them for the rest of their lives. Such imprint in the soul does not allow to live a full life, a person often mentally returns in those moments and as if mentally trying to correct them. But among the bullies and many who associate their lives with crime and continue to destructively act on people and society as a whole. The responsibility for bullying exists and the actions of bullers are criminally punishable, it is important to remember this.

There is also a category of observers or spectators who see bullying, but pass by, the policy of non-interference costs the victims of bullying, but leaves an imprint in the soul of the observer: the voice of conscience is dulled, the person becomes callous, indifferent, incapable of compassion and compassion, due to protective reactions atrophy.