Phosphalugel - indications for use

If you know about heartburn, persistent pain and abnormalities in your stomach, then you really should have heard about this medicine. Phosphalugel is an excellent preparation of the antacid group. Simply put, this is a tool that helps to reduce the acidity of the stomach, because of which, as a matter of fact, there are discomfort and all unpleasant sensations. As with any medicine, Fosfalugel has his own indications for use.

What is Fosfalugel?

Phosphalugel is one of those medicines that can be safely called delicious (well, at least - pleasant). The white thick liquid looks, maybe, and not very attractive, but it smells good with orange and has a sweetish flavor. Thanks to this, both adults and children can take Fosfalugel.

Of course, the taste and smell are not the main virtues of the medicine. Fosfalugel became famous for his operative action - a few minutes after taking the medicine a person feels relief. This is achieved through a universal composition, which is based on 20 percent aluminum phosphate. The active substance quickly neutralizes hydrochloric acid, envelops the walls of the stomach with a special protective layer and helps to remove toxins and gases from the body.

Indications for use of Phosphalugel

Phosphalogel can be considered universal. It is prescribed for almost all disorders of the digestive system. Excellent medicine has shown itself in the treatment of poisonings . Phosphalugel acts gently and is practically not absorbed into the blood. Once in the body, the remedy does not completely destroy the stomach acid. The reaction lasts until the acidity level is normalized. The subsequent action of Phosphalugel is directed solely at maintaining the achieved result.

The main indications for the use of Phosphalugel are as follows:

  1. Most often, the remedy is prescribed for ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  2. Fosfalugel is very good for gastritis. Besides, it is possible to treat both acute and chronic forms of the disease with medication.
  3. The remedy will help with stomach disorders and diarrhea.
  4. Apply Fosfalugel recommend and with hernia.
  5. The medicine saves even victims of alcohol poisoning.

In addition, Fosfalugel faster than other medications relieves heartburn, abdominal pains that result from an improper diet, the use of poor-quality products, an overdose of nicotine or caffeine.

Methods of using Phosphalugel

You can drink Phosphalugel and, diluting the product with water (half a glass of water per one bag of the suspension will be more than enough), and in its pure form. It is best to rub a sachet before taking it to make a homogeneous gel inside.

How long and in what quantities you can take Fosfalugel, should appoint a specialist. Depending on the condition of the patient and his diagnosis, the duration of treatment and dose may vary. So, for example, if a medication is prescribed for the treatment of poisoning, then a couple of days of treatment will suffice with a head, and to completely eliminate the symptoms of gastritis it may take a two-week or month course. To achieve the maximum effect of treatment, you need to take Fosfalugel for as many days as indicated in the prescription of the doctor.

The standard dose is a packet two or three times a day. If necessary, you can take two servings at once. The maximum daily dose of the drug is six packets. It can only increase when treating serious problems - for example, heavy alcohol or food poisoning.

Separately, you can remember how Fosfalugel is taken during heartburn (if, of course, this problem bothers you): once a half of the sachet is drunk, if in ten minutes the heaviness does not disappear, you should finish the second half.