The norm of blood sugar in women - what do the indicators say?

The norm of blood sugar in women is an indicator that reflects the course of carbohydrate metabolism in the body. He is guided by doctors of different specialties in diagnosing the state of health, and deviations from normal values ​​can indicate not only diabetes , but a number of other ailments.

Glucose in the blood - what is it?

Sugar in the blood (glucose) is a substance whose function is to provide cells and tissues with the energy necessary for proper metabolism. The intake of glucose is from the outside - along with food that contains carbohydrates. If glucose enters the body in excess, then in the digestive tract, it, due to enzymes, turns into glycogen and deposited in the liver, where there is a kind of depot for this substance. When sugar with food is not enough, the body spends the available savings.

Basically, the concentration of glucose in the blood is regulated by the hormone of the pancreas insulin , which helps the cells absorb this substance, and the liver - to form on its basis glycogen (a form of reserve glucose). In addition, central nervous and vegetative systems, pancreas hormone glucagon, adrenal hormones (epinephrine, glucocorticoid hormones), thyroid hormone thyroxine participate in sugar level regulation. If everything works together, the level of glucose in the bloodstream is maintained approximately the same.

Short-term physiological "jumps" of glucose levels during the day can occur under the influence of the following factors:

Blood test for sugar

The study of the amount of sugar in the blood is carried out as part of preventive examinations, as well as for diagnostic purposes in the presence of certain complaints and pathologies. The following symptoms may be the cause for the diagnosis:

The blood glucose test is performed regularly for patients with diabetes mellitus and those who are at risk of developing this pathology:

In addition, the study is required to be carried out by pregnant women and may be necessary for such diagnosed diseases as:

This analysis is carried out in several ways, for which blood can be taken from the finger or from the vein. Two main methods in laboratory diagnostics:

Blood test for sugar - how to prepare?

To surrender blood to glucose brought the most reliable result, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. 8-12 hours before taking blood, do not take food (only non-carbonated water is allowed).
  2. Do not drink alcohol a day before the test.
  3. If possible, do not take any medication a day before the procedure.
  4. Before the analysis, do not brush your teeth or chew gum.
  5. Do not change the usual diet especially before the test.
  6. Transfer the date of analysis in case of acute cold condition, received on the eve of the trauma.

Blood test for fasting sugar

If the doctor has appointed this analysis, it is worthwhile to ask how to donate blood to glucose correctly and come to the lab early in the morning. It is advisable that the last supper on the day before the study is not abundant and no later than 20 hours. The analysis can be carried out in the biochemical blood test, and then the material is taken from the vein on the elbow. For a separate study on sugar, blood is often taken from the finger capillary. Results are given in a few hours or the next day.

There is an express method for determining blood sugar, available for carrying out at home. In this case, a portable meter is used and a special test strip, the presence of which is recommended for all people suffering from diabetes mellitus. The result thanks to this method becomes known in a few seconds. When using the device, it is necessary to follow a number of rules and monitor the period and conditions of storage of test strips, otherwise the result will be erroneous.

Blood test for sugar with load

The second type of study is often prescribed if the blood sugar level in women fasting is exceeded (there is a suspicion of diabetes) or a person has already been diagnosed with carbohydrate metabolism disorders. The load analysis shows how fully glucose is absorbed and broken down in the body. The procedure lasts longer - at least two hours, during which the blood is taken at least three times:

This analysis is also called a glucose-tolerant test, and the measurement of the indicator after consuming a glucose solution roughly reflects the picture of how the patient's blood sugar increases after eating. After 60 minutes after consuming the sweet liquid, the blood sugar level rises sharply compared with the result on an empty stomach, but should not exceed certain limits. After 120 minutes, the glucose concentration should decrease.

The level of sugar in the blood - the norm

The established norm of glucose in the blood taken from a finger on an empty stomach does not go beyond the following marks: 3.3-5.5 mmol / l. If the venous blood is tested, which differs by hematological parameters, the norm of blood sugar in women and men is determined within 3.5-6.05 mmol / l. As for the analysis for glucose tolerance, in healthy people after a drunk glucose solution after two hours the indicator should not exceed 7.8 mmol / l (the norm of blood sugar after eating).

Blood sugar - table by age

In people of different age groups, the permissible level of glucose in the bloodstream varies slightly, which can be explained by physiological hormonal changes in the body, certain abnormalities in the work of internal organs. In this case, the sex of the examined value does not matter - the indices are the same for women and men. What is the norm of blood glucose, the table by age, given below, can prompt.

Age, years

Glucose rate, mmol / l

















Increased blood sugar

If the blood sugar level in women is exceeded, it is important to know how much this value is increased. A pathological abnormality is observed when the blood glucose is characterized by the following values:

Elevated blood sugar causes

In addition to the association with the development of diabetes, blood glucose levels may be increased due to the following factors:

How to reduce blood sugar?

The norm of blood sugar in those women who suffer from diabetes mellitus is regulated medicamentally:

Asking the question, how to lower blood sugar in case of slight deviations from the norm, it is necessary to revise the diet. It is necessary to limit the intake of carbohydrates from food. You must unsubscribe from the following products:

At the same time, it is recommended to increase the use of products that help reduce sugar levels:

At different conditions, characterized by an elevated level of glucose in the bloodstream, there are situations when it is necessary to reduce blood sugar in the home. In addition to drugs prescribed by a doctor, this can be done with the help of folk techniques. Here are a few recipes for those who are looking for how to quickly reduce blood sugar without medication.

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use:

  1. Pour vegetable raw materials with boiling water.
  2. Insist for half an hour.
  3. Strain.
  4. Eat three cups a day three times a day.

Recipe No. 2


Preparation and use:

  1. Place the leaves of the laurel in a thermos, pour boiling water.
  2. Insist 2-3 hours.
  3. Drink half a glass daily.

Recipe # 3


Preparation and use:

  1. Pour the chicory water.
  2. Bring to a boil and boil for ten minutes.
  3. Cool, filter.
  4. Take half the glass twice or thrice a day.

Reduced blood sugar

There are also cases when low blood glucose is noted. With such a laboratory indicator, the following clinical symptoms are often felt: general malaise, weakness, depression, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, trembling, etc. Against the background of reduced sugar in the bloodstream, the body's organs and systems do not receive enough nutrients, which immediately affects the functioning of the head the brain.

Low blood sugar causes

Reduced glucose in the blood can be a consequence of the following factors:

How to increase blood sugar?

To raise blood sugar levels at home, you can do the following:

  1. To drink a tablet of glucose.
  2. To drink a mug of weak sweet warm tea.
  3. Drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice with pulp.
  4. Eat a couple spoons of honey or jam, candy.
  5. Eat a few slices of dried apricots, figs.
  6. Take a banana.