Enterocolitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

Enterocolitis is a group of bowel diseases caused by inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes. Enterocolitis in adults can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the site of the digestive tract affected by the infection.

Symptoms of Enterocolitis in Adults

First of all, it is worth considering that the disease develops, taking two forms:

In order to ensure effective treatment with enterocolitis in adults, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of both forms.

So, in acute form, the following symptoms are noted:

The acute form is also accompanied by severe symptoms of intoxication. The patient feels weakness, headache.

In chronic form, the following symptoms are observed:

At the same time, the intensity of symptoms of chronic enterocolitis in adults depends on the timing of treatment, as well as the location of the inflammatory process. Of great importance is the stage of the disease - developed colitis occurs much heavier with more pronounced symptoms than the initial form.

How to treat enterocolitis in adults?

The treatment program directly depends on the cause that caused the pathology.

So, enterocolitis can develop as a result of:

It is often required treatment of enterocolitis in adults, developed as a secondary infection with other pathologies of the digestive tract:

  1. When diagnosing acute enterocolitis, adult patients are treated with a special water-tea diet.
  2. Perform a gastric lavage.
  3. With severe diarrhea and severe attacks of vomiting, it is necessary to replenish the volume of the liquid in order to prevent dehydration of the body.
  4. To relieve the pain, resorting to antispasmodics .
  5. If enterocolitis is caused by a bacterial infection, prescribe antibiotic drugs in combination with sulfonamides.
  6. It is also recommended that you take a remedy to restore the intestinal microflora.

In the chronic form of pathology, the following measures are recommended:

  1. Use a competently formulated diet. If the disease occurs without exacerbations, table number 2 is shown, with severe diarrhea table number 4. Preference is given to the diet table No. 3 in the case of the predominance of constipation.
  2. If the symptoms of enterocolitis in adults are triggered by taking medications, treatment requires the abolition of these pharmacological agents.
  3. The course of drugs is prescribed depending on the cause of the pathology. Thus, in cases of infectious disease, agents that inhibit the activity of microorganisms are prescribed. Apply antibiotics, medicines that facilitate the process of digestion of food.
  4. It is also necessary to treat primary diseases that have become the impetus for the development of enterocolitis. Usually it is a question of such pathologies as gastritis or gastroduodenitis .

With the chronic form of enterocolitis in combination with medicinal preparations, people's prescriptions can also be used. However, the use of enemas and the use of infusions should be agreed with the attending physician.