Gastroduodenitis - symptoms, treatment

One of the most common diseases of the digestive system is gastroduodenitis, accompanied by inflammation of the duodenum and the inner surface of the stomach. Its manifestations are similar to the clinical picture of gastritis , in addition, gastroduodenitis often accompanies other diseases of the digestive system, so it is sometimes difficult to diagnose it.

Manifestations of gastroduodenitis

Inflammation of the duodenum and stomach walls is accompanied by:

The pain with gastroduodenitis occurs a few hours after the meal and is given to the navel and right hypochondrium. Immediately after eating or taking antacids, the pain wanes.

The patient, as a rule, suffers from leanness, his skin is pale, a white-yellow plaque with prints of teeth is seen on the tongue. Palpation of the right costal arch and the right side of the epigastrium causes pain.

Children suffering from gastroduodenitis, in addition to these symptoms, experience:

These signs are caused by endocrine pathologies due to improper operation of the duodenum.

Causes of gastroduodenitis

Inflammation of the duodenum provokes:

The course of gastroduodenitis

Inflammation of the duodenum can occur suddenly (acute gastroduodenitis), but most often the disease proceeds in a chronic form with pronounced symptomatology.

As a rule, exacerbation of chronic gastroduodenitis occurs in the spring and autumn, followed by a phase of remission. The degree of severity of the exacerbation period is determined by the strength of pain and duration, and by the general condition of the patient.

After 2 to 3 months, the inflammation passes to the incomplete stage (if endoscopy reveals signs of gastroduodenitis) or complete remission (if there are no clinical manifestations).

Treatment of chronic gastroduodenitis

Treatment of inflammation of the duodenum proceeds according to a principle similar to that of gastritis. The patient is recommended bed rest (the first week of exacerbation) and diet number 1, followed by a transition to diet number 5. During remission, the diet should be balanced and full, the diet regime is extremely important.

Gastroduodenitis with high acidity is treated with H2-blockers of histamine receptors and drugs that adversely affect the culture of Helicobacter pylori. If necessary, the patient prescribed medication to normalize the motor functions of the organs. After the crisis, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, sanatorium treatment are useful.

Treatment of gastroduodenitis with folk remedies

When inflammation of the walls of the stomach and duodenum is useful to drink freshly squeezed juices from:

Black currant and cabbage is effective if gastroduodenitis with reduced acidity is observed, and potato juice is suitable for people with increased secretion.

The treatment of gastroduodenitis with herbs has proved to be well established:

  1. Dry leaves of plantain (1 spoonful) pour a glass of boiling water and insist like tea; take a small sip during the day.
  2. Mint leaves (fresh or dry, 2 spoons) pour boiling water (400 ml), insist; take tea before each meal.
  3. Yarrow (20 g) pour 400 ml of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes, insist 40 minutes; drink before each meal with reduced secretion, dosage - 1 tbsp. a spoon.