Allergy to wormwood

Allergy to wormwood is one of the types of pollen seasonal allergy (hay fever) that occurs during the flowering period of a given plant. Wormwood is a composite plant of silvery-gray color with a pronounced fragrant-spicy aroma and bitter taste. Wormwood grows in meadows, fallow lands, forest edges, along roads, near houses.

Pollen of this plant is very small and has good volatile properties. The time when wormwood blossoms and allergy to it occurs at the end of July - the middle of September. The intensity of flowering, its beginning and end varies depending on the weather conditions, and with it the intensity, the beginning and the termination of manifestations of pathology fluctuate. The most intense allergy symptoms on wormwood disturb in dry windy weather, when the concentration of allergenic particles in the air is the highest.

Signs of allergy to wormwood

Symptoms of allergy to wormwood flowers:

It should be noted that skin symptoms when pollen allergies, as well as other plants, are quite rare. In severe cases, bronchial asthma may develop, a sign of which are attacks of suffocation accompanied by a spastic, low-performance cough.

Diagnosis of wormwood allergy

Suspicion of pollen allergy is possible by the presence of typical symptoms that occur annually at the same time. The presence of an allergic reaction to wormwood is specified with the help of skin scarification tests , prik tests and injections tests, when a small dose of the allergen is injected under the skin. Such diagnostics can be carried out only during remission.

During an exacerbation it is possible to conduct a blood test to determine specific antibodies to allergens of Artemisia. However, this method is used less often, which is associated with its higher price and lower sensitivity.

Cross-allergy to Artemisia

Pollen allergy is characterized by the phenomenon of cross reactions, due to the fact that different allergens can have similar sites with which the same antibodies interact. In this regard, patients who are sensitive to a single allergen can react to other allergens.

Potentially hazardous products for patients with wormwood allergy are:

Possible allergens are:

Proceeding from this, allergies to wormwood should be developed hypoallergenic diet, which is recommended to adhere to constantly, and not just in the midst of an allergic season.

How to treat allergy to wormwood?

Treatment of allergies to wormwood depends on the symptoms and their severity. The following groups of drugs can be used:

  1. Antihistamines. Admission of these funds begin two weeks before the beginning of flowering wormwood).
  2. Vasodilating drops and sprays in the nose. Apply a short course to facilitate nasal breathing.
  3. Local glucocorticosteroids. Used in the form of eye drops, nasal sprays.
  4. Preparations of sodium cromoglycate. Recommended for prevention and treatment of bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.
  5. Inhalation beta-adrenomimetiki, glucocorticosteroids. Are prescribed for bronchial asthma .

In addition, it is required to limit contact with the allergen, comply with the diet and hygiene rules.

The most effective method of treatment of allergies to wormwood for today is specific immunotherapy. It begins to be carried out before the flowering season of the plant in the absence of allergy symptoms on a background of complete health.