Exfoliative dermatitis

Most often this form of dermatitis develops in children and men. But as practice has shown, exfoliative dermatitis does not disdain the representatives of the fair sex. This disease is rather unpleasant - exfoliative dermatitis and does not look very attractive, and a lot of discomfort to the patient.

Causes of exfoliative dermatitis Ritter

This disease is inflammatory. The reasons for exfoliative dermatitis can be very many. Most often, the ailment develops against the background of such problems:

Exfoliative dermatitis can also become a reaction of the body to the use of drugs.

Symptoms of exfoliative dermatitis

The rate of development of the disease depends on the patient's health and some physiological factors. In most cases with exfoliative dermatitis, the skin surface of the patient turns red and begins to peel. Touching can cause detachment of even healthy-looking areas of the skin. It is accompanied by all the following symptoms:

In exfoliative dermatitis in adults, severe skin lesions are observed. Through the damaged areas there is a lot of heat, so many patients complain of the cold.

Due to the fact that the skin is wounded, the body can develop an infection, the consequences of which are the most unpredictable. Therefore, you need to start treatment as soon as possible.

Treatment of exfoliative dermatitis

Before starting treatment, you need to determine the cause of the disease. If exfoliative dermatitis was caused by an infection, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. For the removal of inflammation, special creams and ointments-corticosteroids are used.

In some cases, physiotherapeutic procedures, relaxing wellness baths based on herbs, phototherapy are effective. In the most severe forms of the disease, accompanied by sepsis , blood transfusion may be required.

Clothing with exfoliative dermatitis should be regularly ironed. You can wash the patient only using natural soft means. And from the bast for the time of treatment will have to be abandoned.