The fingertips of the hands are missing cause

The sensation of numbness in the fingers is probably familiar to every person. If this is observed after sleep, it is most likely that numbness is associated with prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable posture, at which the hands are squeezed, and it is quickly removed after a gentle massage of the hands. But if the fingertips on the hands regularly numb irrespective of external influences, then the reasons should be sought in more serious factors. Let's consider why the fingertips on your hands can dumb, what are the reasons for this most common.

The main reasons why fingertips on the hands

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

A very common cause of loss of sensitivity, sensation of numbness, tingling, cooling in the tops of the fingers can be osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. With this disease, the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs is affected and there may be a related pinching of the nerves, resulting in numbness. It is the problems with the spine that are more often the cause of why the fingertips are numb only on the left or only on the right arm, bilateral bilateral numbness occurs very rarely in such cases.


Another possible cause is polyneuropathy , a pathology in which peripheral nerves are affected due to infectious, intoxicating factors, metabolic disorders, etc. It is also possible:

Muscle overstrain

This can also be a causal factor. Often such a problem arises in people whose professional activities involve performing repetitive actions performed by fingers (pianists, programmers, seamstresses, etc.). As a result, blood circulation stagnation occurs, causing such symptoms as:

Raynaud's disease

The sensation of numbness in the tips of the fingers of both hands, as well as such symptoms as puffiness, cyanotic coloring of fingers and hands, the tendency to form long-healing ulcers on the hands, characterize Raynaud's disease . It is believed that this pathology is genetically conditioned, but the impetus for its development can serve as different factors:


When pregnancy, especially in later terms, numbness of the fingertips - a common phenomenon, which in most cases is explained by the squeezing of the nerve trunks with a growing uterus, or it may be associated with swelling of the extremities. As a rule, after giving birth, unpleasant sensations pass independently.

Vegetosovascular dystonia

If finger tips grow numb, one more reason for this may be vegeto-vascular dystonia, a symptom complex associated with a violation of neuroregulation. At the given pathology also such manifestations are noted:

Multiple sclerosis

A sign of multiple sclerosis in the initial stages may be a periodically arising sensation of numbness in the fingers of the hands. This autoimmune disease is characterized by the simultaneous damage of several different parts of the nervous system. Other pathological manifestations may be associated with:

The exact reasons why finger tips are numb can only be established by specialists, for which a set of clinical, laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods is assigned.