Doppler ultrasound in pregnancy - what is it?

Quite often, especially primiparous women, are interested in pregnancy during pregnancy: what is a doppler ultrasound (ultrasound plus doppler) and what is the research for? Let's try to understand this issue.

What is the research of ultrasound with doppler?

To begin with, it is necessary to say that doppler ultrasound in pregnancy is done when there is a suspicion of a violation of uteroplacental blood flow. However, in order to prevent and early diagnosis of such a violation as fetal hypoxia, a similar kind of study is mandatory prescribed twice for the entire gestational period. Most often, the doppler is performed at 22-24 and 30-34 weeks of gestation.

If we talk about what directly shows the doppler ultrasound performed during pregnancy, this is the state of the blood vessels of the umbilical cord, the speed of blood flow in them and the degree of saturation with oxygen. It is the last diagnostic parameter that has the greatest practical significance, since he indicates the absence or presence of oxygen starvation in the baby. In addition, this study allows:

The study itself is in no way different from the usual, ultrasound. Given this fact, many future mothers may not know that they were given a doppler ultrasound.

What kinds of Doppler exist?

It is worth noting that this study itself can be conducted in 2 modes: duplex and triplex. Recently, most often the latter is used. It allows using the color image to register the movement of red blood cells and their total number. On the basis of the data obtained by this method, the apparatus calculates the degree of saturation of the blood with oxygen, which allows one to draw a conclusion about the general well-being of the unborn child.

How is the research conducted?

Having dealt with what ultrasound means with a doppler, prescribed during pregnancy, let's consider the algorithm of the procedure itself.

At the appointed time, the pregnant woman comes to the women's consultation, to the ultrasound diagnosis room. The study itself is carried out in the supine position.

On the abdomen, the doctor applies a special gel, which improves the contact of the sensor with the surface of the skin, and thus is a conductor of wave oscillations. Moving the sensor, the doctor carefully examines the vessels, estimates their diameter. At the end of the procedure, the woman wipes the gel and rises from the couch.

To prepare for such an examination, as a doppler ultrasound in the current pregnancy, no conditions are required, i.e. It can be carried out at any time.

In what cases can a doppler be re-administered?

In addition to the deadlines specified above, such a study can be appointed and in addition. Typically, this is required when the fetus or the pregnant woman has any irregularities. To such it is possible to carry:

Thus, it can be said that doppler ultrasound in current pregnancy refers to those diagnostic measures that allow to establish a violation at an early stage of its development. As a result, doctors can respond in a timely manner to the current situation and prevent irreversible consequences, the most formidable of which is the death of the fetus.