Swimming for pregnant women

Many women who will soon become mums, are seriously puzzled by the problem of whether it is possible to swim pregnant. Sometimes this decision is made independently, and the need to obtain permission from the doctor is genuinely surprising. A harmless, at first glance, occupation, requires a comprehensive examination of the observing gynecologist and the elimination of possible unpleasant consequences.

How useful is swimming for pregnant women?

In what cases is pregnancy and swimming in the pool incompatible?

The reason for medical failure may be the presence of risk of interruption of gestation, abundant discharge from the vagina or an abnormal location of the placenta. All this will be clarified at the next appointment with a gynecologist or a planned ultrasound . If there are no such diagnoses, then it is better to be engaged in swimming in the early stages of pregnancy and throughout its length, in order to better prepare for childbirth and help your body cope with the increasing burden. Do not be afraid of being infected by any infection in the public pool. A serious institution cares about the availability of modern and powerful filters, purification systems and safe disinfectants.

Where else can I bathe in pregnant women?

Any pond, if the water quality in it is satisfactory, can serve as a place for swimming. Do not risk and swim in prohibited places, the risk of catching the infection is high enough. Particularly positive for the course of pregnancy is the regular ablutions in the sea water, so do not neglect trips to the shores of the warm sea.

At what time does the voyage for pregnant women present no danger?

Such physical exercises are relevant at any time of gestation, up to the birth itself. But this sport should be carried out with the trainer and in special groups for pregnant women. It is not necessary to try to carry out the whole complex of classes, do them as far as possible physically and in your own pleasure.