Laparoscopy in gynecology

With the help of a special instrument (laparoscope), after small incisions on the abdominal cavity, it is possible to carry out both its diagnostic examination in gynecology (diagnostic laparoscopy) and small surgical interventions in gynecology (surgical or operative laparoscopy).

Indications for laparoscopy in gynecology

The main indications for laparoscopy:

There are also certain contraindications to laparoscopy in gynecology:

Preparation for laparoscopy in gynecology

In addition to direct training, there are a number of tests and examinations that must be carried out on the eve of laparoscopy. These include general blood and urine tests, feces analysis for eggs of worms, biochemical blood test (necessarily blood sugar), tests for syphilis, HIV, viral hepatitis, a general gynecological examination with a smear on the flora, pelvic floor ultrasound, ECG, fluorography and conclusion of the therapist.

Peredoperatsionnaya preparation is a diet before laparoscopy in gynecology, poor in fiber, not causing bloating. On the eve of the operation, a cleansing enema is made, and on the day of surgery it is forbidden to take food and drink water, prescribe premedication.

Operative laparoscopy in gynecology

With laparoscopy, a trocar is inserted through the incision in the navel region d 10 mm (through it, a laparoscope with a video camera is inserted), and in the pelvic region - two trocar d 5 mm for instruments. Enter the abdominal cavity carbon dioxide for easy access to the organs. With the help of surgical instruments, the necessary surgical intervention is performed. After it, stop the bleeding and apply seams to the wounds.

Laparoscopy in gynecology: postoperative period

After surgery, a patient's day should be under the supervision of doctors to prevent the development of possible complications. After laparoscopy, severe internal bleeding may develop, during operation, abdominal organs or blood vessels may be damaged, the work of the heart or lungs may be disrupted by insertion of carbon dioxide into the abdominal cavity. Of the later complications, the development of subcutaneous emphysema is possible in the case of gas falling under the skin, thrombosis of the vessels of the abdominal cavity.

The advantages of laparoscopy

The advantage of this intervention is a small postoperative wound, a small traumatic operation, the absence of scars and pain in the postoperative period, a small blood loss with intervention, a short postoperative period, the possibility of simultaneous diagnosis and treatment during the intervention. The disadvantage is general anesthesia during the intervention, and with incorrect determination of the indications or development of complications, it is possible to develop the need for translating the laparoscopic operation into a common cavity.