Vulvit - treatment

Vulvit is an infectious disease of the female external genitalia. It is manifested by inflammation, swelling, redness, rashes of the inguinal zone and labia. It occurs due to the ingress of bacteria into microcracks (caused by mechanical damage to the skin), external genitalia. Also in the presence of various diseases of the genitals or endocrine disorders.

Vulvitis - symptoms:

The causes of vulvitis:

Vulvit in women - treatment

Of course, it is mandatory to go to the doctor-gynecologist. It is the doctor who will be able to give detailed recommendations on how to treat vulvitis. The most effective is complex therapy, the doctor prescribes ointment from vulvitis, it must have antiseptic properties, which will significantly reduce burning and itching. Sex is excluded for the entire treatment period.

Antibiotics for vulvitis are very rarely prescribed. The most effective medications for vulvitis are anti-infective, antifungal drugs, these can be vaginal suppositories, tablets, ointments for internal use with a tampon.

Candidiasis vulva is treated in a complex way, it is necessary to remove the infection of thrush and vulvitis. This form of the disease is most uncomfortable, since itching and burning are most pronounced, and the discharge is excessively abundant and has a sharp odor. But it is easy to treat, and, provided that all the recommendations of the treating doctor are met, after a few months passes.

Vulvit - treatment at home

Eliminate the symptoms of vulvitis, respectively, to alleviate the condition of the patient will help herbal sessile baths, washing the broths of herbs and their drink.

There are several recipes suitable for all types of vulvitis:

  1. Crush the ordinary oak (2 tablespoons), pour two liters of water, let it boil and cool. Strain the resulting broth and use warm for washing.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers fill with one liter of water, boil for 10 minutes. Strain and use for washing twice a day.
  3. Take 1 tbsp. l root root of the upright, chop the pour one liter of boiling water. Cover and let stand until will become warm. Strain and wash in the morning and evening.
  4. Take 1 tbsp. l. root of an oak, a camomile, leaves of a neetle, a grass spore. Stir and grind the collection. Take 2 tbsp. l. of the mixture, pour one liter of boiling water, insist 20 minutes. Use twice a day.
  5. Take the roots of valerian and lemon balm (two parts each), grass cuffs and nettles (three pieces each). Mix the herbs and grind them. Pour half a liter of water. Infuse the night. Drink three times a day, wash twice a day.

Treatment with herbs should continue regularly for at least a month, only then it is possible to achieve the maximum effect of treatment.