Treatment of the cervix

For today it is not so rare to meet women with diseases of the cervix. However, despite the high prevalence of the disease, not everyone knows how to treat it properly. The fact is that there are many methods of treatment, and not always more expensive methods are more effective than standard methods. In order to cure the cervix (most often this disease, called cervical erosion ), to choose the optimal method of treatment, it is necessary first of all to consult with a specialist.

Methods of treatment of the cervix

Typically, the doctor gives a choice of treatments that are possible. Do not insist on conservative therapy. In the case of diseases of the cervix, it may not yield results and only delay the use of radical remedies. If the gynecologist offers to be treated by coagulation or conization, do not be afraid of it.

Options for treating cervical erosion are:

A few more methods

  1. Molecular-resonance method of cervical cancer treatment will save you from the disease without further consequences, you will be able to become pregnant after treatment with this method.
  2. Dysplasia and endometriosis of the cervix can be cured by cryotherapy, when the diseased cells are frozen. Radio wave treatment on the contrary - burns cells affected by the disease.
  3. Surgical treatment of the cervix is ​​prescribed only if the disease is already started and threatens to spread throughout the body.
  4. Folk remedies for cervical cancer suggest the use of tinctures and broths, but remember that self-medication is fraught with consequences.