Signs of PMS

At least once in life, every girl or woman encountered manifestations of such a disease as premenstrual syndrome or, briefly, PMS. It is a cyclic process of changes in the body of a woman a few days before the onset of the expected monthly. Usually this condition can last from two days to several weeks. Scientists are more inclined to the point of view that the emergence of PMS is due to hormonal changes in the body of a woman.

Do not automatically label the PMS, because its presence can be judged only with a constant monthly repetition and the presence of more than two signs of PMS. Very often women confuse signs of premenstrual syndrome with manifestations of depressive disorders. To distinguish between symptoms, you can create a special calendar in which you need to record your behavior and physiological responses during the three menstrual cycles. In this case, it is possible to track PMS in women.

Symptoms of PMS in Women

It is necessary to distinguish between physiological and psychological symptoms. The first group of symptoms include:

To psychological manifestations PMS include:

One and the same woman can observe a complex of symptoms from both areas - physiological and psychological. Or only in one aspect.

How to cope with premenstrual syndrome?

In order to prevent depressive disorders, a woman should pay more attention to her condition to close people, who require additional support, patience and understanding.

In order to correct physiological disorders, consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist is needed, which will select the optimal medication.

Do not forget that we often try to treat the investigation, while forgetting about the root cause, which led to the current events of life. And in order to find the reason for the emergence of PMS, you can turn to the field of psychology. Psychotherapy is the most effective means of combating PMS. The use of behavioral therapy techniques will allow you to get rid of clamps in your body, reconsider your lifestyle and relationships with surrounding people. As a supplement, you can use meditation techniques and yoga, which will help the body to relax and enhance the vital forces of the body. The method of treatment with art is also able to have a sedative effect. For example, a woman can start drawing and, thus, work through her psychological problems that prevent her from living in full force.

A woman should remember that premenstrual syndrome is a temporary phenomenon. But if its symptoms are too vivid, then they must be combated so that they do not poison life. Since their presence prevents not only a woman from living a full life, but also working productively, successfully communicate with colleagues and friends. Such a struggle alone is sometimes the most difficult. In this situation, relatives, close people are able to provide psychological support to a woman, so important for her in the period of exacerbation of symptoms of PMS.