Itching in the urethra

Itching in the urethra is the most common symptom of various urogenital infections. Most often, itching arises from the entry into the urethra of pathogens of venereal diseases, such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea or nonspecific flora ( Escherichia coli , Staphylococcus and other opportunistic microorganisms).

Itching in the urethra - symptoms

Itching in the urethra rarely appears without accompanying additional symptoms, namely:

Causes of itching in the urethra

If the above signs are present, it means that the itching of the urethra is uniquely caused by infection: bacterial, fungal, parasitic, etc. The most common cause of pruritus of the urethra in women is genital candidiasis , or thrush. The pathogen falls into the urethra from the vagina and accompanies its development with abundant curdled discharge.

Itching in the urethra can provoke mechanical and chemical effects. For example, trauma during sex or masturbation, rubbing the genitals with tight and synthetic underwear, an allergic reaction to cosmetics and hygiene products, women's pads. Treatment of this itching in the urethra is to eliminate irritant factors.

If the itching in the urethra occurs mainly after urination, you can suspect that this causes an unpleasant phenomenon of some substance contained in the urine. It is known that it can provoke itching, irritating the canal of the urethra, some medicines, peppery food, alcoholic beverages. If suspected of such a reaction, it is recommended to stick to a diet, drink more pure water to reduce the concentration of urine, more often to write to avoid stagnation in the bladder.