How to trigger a monthly at home?

Due to various reasons, almost every woman at least once in a lifetime there is a situation where there is a sharp need to bring the next menstruation. That's when the question arises as to how you can trigger a monthly at home and do it quickly.

Immediately need to say that if the girl's goal is to terminate the pregnancy on a short term, then for this it is best to contact the doctors who will have an abortion. If you call such a process as monthly, it is necessary with a delay, then this can be done at home.

How to call monthly folk remedies?

Most often in such situations, women turn to people's methods, which are already time-tested, because have been used for more than one generation. However, not all of them are effective. Consider those that really help women cope with the problem.

From many women who are confronted with a delay, you can hear that they were able to cause a month earlier than they had by using a procedure such as a hot bath with the addition of honey. In such cases, the positive effect comes directly from heat, which increases the flow of blood to the organs of the small pelvis, as a result of which the already rejected endometrium protrudes outward than usual. Often, in the water at the same time, to cause such a process as the monthly, add iodine, which also helps to achieve the expected.

Among the leading traditional medicine, helping to bring the time of menstruation, you can call medicinal herbs. So, often to cause menstruation, women use a plant such as elecampane. At the same time, only 50 g of root are sufficient, from which the broth is made and taken inside. However, when using such a tool, you need to be very careful, because substances in the body that fall directly from the elecampane can lead to the onset of uterine bleeding.

It is also often heard that some women have been helped to cause menstruation using a large number of herbs such as dill and parsley.

Another cause of such a process as monthly bleeding can be with the help of a bay leaf. To do this, it is enough to take 10 grams of plant leaves, pour them with steep boiling water (0.5 liters), then put on fire and simmer for 60 minutes. After that, the saucepan should be removed from the plate and insisted for 3 hours. Then just drink 200 ml of decoction.

How to approximate menstruation with medications?

Telling about how to cause a month without the use of pills, it is necessary to recall that such actions can only harm a woman's health. The thing is that most medicinal plants are not as harmless as they seem. Therefore, it is best to address the problem of delay to doctors.

In such cases, physicians generally prescribe the administration of appropriate medications. Among them are Pulsatilla, Mifegin, Non-Ovilon, Postinor, Dufaston, and others. Dosage is assigned individually. As a rule, most of the above drugs are taken once.

Thus, it is necessary to say that if a girl has such a need, how to cause urgently menses, at home, it is better not to do anything on her own. With a similar question it is better to address to the gynecologist who will try to solve a question by appointment of corresponding preparations. It should be borne in mind that in most cases, actions with changes in the date of menstruation can affect the state of the hormonal system of the woman herself. Therefore, resort to such a need only in extreme cases, and not often.