On what day after menstruation can I get pregnant?

For the most part, the pregnancy is a cause of joy for expectant mothers. However, not all women, for various reasons and circumstances, are ready at any time to become a mother. That's why gynecologists often hear a question from women, which concerns what day after the month can get pregnant. It becomes especially relevant when the woman uses the physiological method as a contraceptive.

Can I get pregnant right after the menstrual period?

To answer this question, you need to address the physiological characteristics of the female body.

So, for most women, the cycle is regular and has an always the same duration. In this case, it consists of 3 phases, which follow one after another:

Each of these phases is characterized by certain changes that occur both in the functioning and in the structure of the uterine endometrium, the ovaries. So in most cases it is in the middle of the cycle that ovulation occurs, which corresponds to phase 2 of the cycle. Immediately, this phenomenon is fundamental for conception, since with it the egg leaves the follicle.

A mature ovum expects fertilization within a few days after ovulation. If this does not happen, there are monthly ones. However, their appearance does not mean that it is impossible to become pregnant after this. On what is this statement based?

The thing is that the spermatozoon, hitting the female genital tract, remains viable for 3-5 days. Thus, in order to calculate on which day after the month can get pregnant, a woman should know when she is ovulating. This can be done with the help of special tests or using a graph of the basal temperature, which clearly shows a drop in numerical values, directly in the period of emergence of the mature egg. On average, ovulation is observed on the 12-16th day of the menstrual cycle, provided that its duration is 28-30 days.

Therefore, in order to calculate on what day after the monthly it is possible to get pregnant, it is necessary to add 3 days before and after the ovulation date. For example, if a cycle of 28 days of ovulation is observed at day 14, the probability of becoming pregnant is maintained between 11-17 days of the cycle.

What increases the likelihood of pregnancy immediately after menstruation?

Having told about what day after the month can get pregnant, it is necessary to mention what factors and how they affect the onset of conception, immediately after menstruation. So, the opportunity to become pregnant after the menstrual period rises sharply when:

  1. Too short a cycle, i.e. when it is less than 21 days. It is in this situation that ovulation can occur almost immediately, after 3-4 days, after the last day of menstrual flow.
  2. Prolonged menstrual discharge, when their duration is 7 days or more. In this case, the probability increases that the new ovum, which is ready to fertilize, immediately ripens in the last days of the month.
  3. Violation of the regularity of the cycle, - also increases the chance of pregnancy immediately after menstruation. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to predict the time of ovulation for a woman.
  4. We should not forget about such a phenomenon as spontaneous ovulation, in which the simultaneous release of several ovules from the follicles.

Thus, to determine on what day it is better to get pregnant after menstruation, a woman can only in case of regular menstruation.