Unwanted pregnancy - what to do?

Due to various reasons, women often face the phenomenon of unwanted pregnancy. After the test has given a positive result, the girl has thoughts about how to get rid of the fetus. Consider the situation in detail, list the methods used in such cases, drugs.

Undesirable pregnancy in the early stages - what to do?

To begin with, a woman should think everything over. Do not make hasty decisions, look for ways to get rid of unwanted pregnancy. There is a need for a repeat test (after 5-6 days). In this case, the girl will be able to completely eliminate the false positive result. According to statistics, it is noted in about 3-5% of cases. For complete certainty, you can pass a blood test to the level of hormones. The presence of hCG will indicate pregnancy.

Tablets from an unwanted pregnancy in the early stages

Termination of the gestation period with the help of medications is called medical abortion. Most of these drugs are not released freely in the pharmacy network. They are used exclusively by qualified specialists, in the conditions of the clinic. The following tablets are used for medical abortion:

  1. Pencrofton. Used at the initial stages of gestation. The active ingredient is mifepristone. It is prescribed mainly to young women who do not have children, because there is no risk of developing secondary infertility.
  2. Mythophian. Like all similar drugs, it is used up to 42 days from the time of fertilization. The active substance leads to a detachment of the embryo from the inner wall of the uterus and expulsion to the outside.
  3. Mifepristone. A common drug, often used for medaborta. It leads to detachment of the fetal egg.
  4. Mifegin. The high efficacy of the drug and its excellent tolerability, the absence of side effects cause widespread use when it is necessary to interrupt gestation.

Folk Remedies for Unwanted Pregnancy

To use national recipes for the purpose of termination of pregnancy physicians do not recommend. At home, the risk of developing uterine bleeding is a major complication of the procedure. Such a violation is fraught with a sharp deterioration of the condition, can have a lethal outcome. Interrupted unwanted pregnancy in the early stages of folk remedies, may affect the state of the reproductive system, which in the future will cause problems with conception. But, even knowing this, young girls often resort to the help of traditional medicine, using:

  1. Broth the rind of an immature walnut. Dilute water, take half a cup after meals, several times a day.
  2. Broth from St. John's wort - 4 tablespoons dried herb for 1.5-2 liters of boiling water. Wait half an hour, filter and spend syringing from an unwanted pregnancy.

How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy after the act?

In this case, it should be taken into account that it is not possible to completely eliminate the unwanted pregnancy, but it is quite realistic to reduce the probability of its occurrence. Talking about how to prevent pregnancy after an unprotected act at home, you should note the following ways:

Tablets from an unwanted pregnancy after the act

To protect against possible conception after sex, so that an undesirable pregnancy does not arise, postcoital contraception is used. Their action is based on the increase in the contractility of the muscular structures of the uterus. As a result, the fertilized egg is released to the outside. At the same time, a spermicidal effect is also observed - all female sperm present in the genital tract die. Often the following emergency pills are used from an unwanted pregnancy:

It must be said that such facilities have a limited period of effectiveness and should be used at certain time intervals. The same pill from an unwanted pregnancy, - 72 hours is given to a woman for her adoption. Otherwise, the effect of use is sharply reduced. The use of a remedy later than this period may turn into problems for the reproductive system - provoke bleeding.

Traditional contraceptives after the act

Choosing funds and thinking about how to protect themselves after an unprotected act, folk remedies are the first thing that comes to the girl's mind. Young women are not afraid of the consequences of such procedures. In such cases, often resort to douching:

Preventing unwanted pregnancy

Unplanned conception is much easier to prevent than to get rid of the onset of gestation. There are many ways to do this. The most common methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies are:

  1. Interrupted intercourse. It occurs when the partner is able to fully control the process of ejaculation.
  2. Calendar method. Assumes setting the time of the ovulatory process. Subsequently, a woman tries to avoid sexual, unprotected relationships at this time.

Means of preventing unwanted pregnancy

Helps to eliminate unplanned gestation contraceptives. A woman can choose the appropriate methods of protection. Thinking about how to avoid unwanted pregnancy, the girls decide to use:

  1. Intrauterine spirals. With the individual selection of such a device, the correct setting, the drug is highly effective, and an unwanted pregnancy does not occur in 98% of cases.
  2. Oral contraceptives. They are a common form of protection. Accepted daily, at the same time. After half a year use it's worth taking a break.
  3. Condoms. The barrier method is the oldest of the existing ones. Has a relatively high efficiency.
  4. Implants and injectable contraceptives. A capsule with a hormonal component is administered under the skin of a woman. It takes several years, releasing a certain concentration of the hormone. Because of the high risk of developing infertility, migration to neighboring tissues and organs is rarely used.

Safe days for sex

Avoiding intimate relationships on certain days of the menstrual cycle, a woman can rule out conception. It should be taken into account that the method does not have 100% efficiency, since there is a possibility of changing the time of ovulation in the body. The process itself is subject to the influence of external factors, and this must be taken into account when using the method. To determine on which days it is safe to have sex, a girl needs to know the time of ovulation.

For the purpose of determining the ovulatory process, the basal temperature is measured over several months, and the schedule is made. In those days, when there is a rise in values ​​by 0.5-1 degrees - ovulation is noted. To quickly determine this process in the body, you can use special tests. When establishing safe days, take into account the possibility of shifting the process of release of the egg from the follicle for 1-2 days. By the established date, add and subtract the specified number of days. As a result, a time corridor is obtained, in which unprotected sex should be avoided.