Interrupted intercourse

Quite often couples practice the method of interrupted sexual intercourse to prevent unwanted pregnancy. But is it so effective, is it likely to become pregnant with interrupted intercourse? And is the use of this method harmful to the health of partners?

Method of interrupted intercourse

The method is that the man takes the penis out of the vagina until the moment of ejaculation. Thus it is necessary to watch, that the semen did not get on female external genitals. Repeated sexual intercourse with this method is impossible, since there is a risk of getting into the vagina of a small amount of sperm left from the previous time.

Probability of pregnancy with interrupted sexual intercourse

How likely is the onset of pregnancy after interrupted intercourse? The probability of such an outcome is about 30%, for example, condoms give about 85% protection against the onset of an unwanted pregnancy. Such unreliability is due to the fact that spermatozoa are not only in the sperm, but also the pre-seminal fluid, and its output is beyond the control of any man. In addition, not all men are able to control themselves at the most interesting moment, especially hard it is given to temperamental partners.

What are the advantages of the method?

It turns out, the effectiveness of interrupted intercourse is not as high as we would like. Maybe this method has a crushing advantage over other methods of contraception? Advantage, by and large one - accessibility. All other often named pluses, like reliability and harmlessness, are rather disputable.

Is interrupted sexual intercourse harmful?

Each method of contraception has its pros and cons. But doctors, speaking of an interrupted sexual intercourse, increasingly use the epithet "harmful". What is this method dangerous for the health of partners?

We have already found out that an interrupted sexual intercourse does not sufficiently protect against pregnancy. And from the sexually transmitted diseases this method does not protect at all. Contact with the mucosa of the carrier of the infection is sufficient for its transmission. Therefore, this method of contraception can only be used when having sex with a trusted partner.

What harm interrupted intercourse for women? According to statistics, 50% of women who do not experience orgasm, use the method of interrupted sexual intercourse for protection. This is because women need more time to get an orgasm, and with the interrupted sexual intercourse of this time is just not enough. And constant sex without orgasm adversely affects women's health, these are lower abdominal pain, stagnation of blood and the risk of developing various diseases. Many scientists believe that regular practice of interrupted sexual intercourse can lead to frigidity.

For men's health, the method of interrupted intercourse, applied for a long period of time, can also be dangerous. At the moment when a man takes the penis out of the vagina, the function of the prostate gland changes and it does not shrink completely. As a result, stagnant phenomena are formed, which can lead to various undesirable consequences. Thus, approximately 50% of men who have been diagnosed with prostatitis routinely practiced interrupted sexual intercourse. Another such method of contraception can cause impotence or premature ejaculation.

Well and except for all harmful consequences to which the interrupted sexual certificate or act can lead, such sexual contact does not allow to feel all gamut of experiences. We know that the pleasure of sex largely depends on the emancipation of partners. And if the couple will constantly think about how not to miss the very moment, then what kind of pleasure in general can you say?